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CloudHub API

The CloudHub management API (CloudHub API) enables you to programmatically access the functions of Anypoint Runtime Manager, such as:

  • Manage applications:

    • Create, deploy, start, stop, list, and delete an application on CloudHub.

    • Update application metadata, including the number of workers, Mule runtime engine version, and system properties.

    • Retrieve statistics for an application or worker.

    • Retrieve application transactions and events for a transaction.

    • Check for replay data, replay the flow for a transaction, and delete replay data for an application.

    • Manage static IP addresses and release unused IP addresses associated with an application.

    • Download the Mule package file for the application.

    • Update, enable, disable, or run all or some schedules.

  • Manage logs, notifications, and alerts:

    • Add, update, or retrieve log levels for an application.

    • Download the log file for an application or instance.

    • Create, update, or retrieve a notification.

    • Mark a notification as read or unread.

    • Create, update, or delete an alert triggered by an application.

    • Retrieve an alert and alert history.

  • Manage load balancers:

    • Create, update, or delete a load balancer.

    • List load balancers in an organization.

    • Test load balancer rules and return the number of the rule applied to the input.

  • Manage VPCs, VPNs, and TGWs:

    • Create, update, list, and remove a VPC.

    • Create or delete a VPN connection.

    • Add, modify, and remove multiple AWS Transit Gateway attachments to your Anypoint Platform organization.

  • Manage persistent queues:

    • Retrieve statistics for persistent queues.

    • Clear the entries from a persistent queue.

  • Retrieve additional information about:

    • Supported Mule versions

    • The current organization, including usage statistics

    • Workers, including thread dumps and worker regions

    • Users, including permissions

    • Available domain names

For an interactive reference that includes supported resources, methods, required properties, and expected responses, see the CloudHub APILeaving the Site.

The CloudHub API manages only applications deployed to CloudHub, the cloud-based version of Runtime Manager. To manage on-premises applications using the API, see Runtime Manager REST ServicesLeaving the Site.

Use the CloudHub API

Before getting started, familiarize yourself with operations for applications.

You can use any HTTP client with the CloudHub API. With Java, use the Jersey clientLeaving the Site or HttpClientLeaving the Site with JacksonLeaving the Site for JSON support.

To access operations in the CloudHub API, you must:

  1. Generate an authorization bearer token (AUTH_BEARER_TOKEN) to authenticate with the API.

    To get the access token, you need the Anypoint Platform username and password of a user assigned the Organization Administrators role. See AuthenticationLeaving the Site in the Access Management APILeaving the Site.

    Your username specifies the environment to access. For example, if your username is consuela and the environment is Development, your username is consuela@Development. If you don’t specify an environment, the API defaults to Production.

  2. Get the organization ID (ORG_ID).

    See the /api/meLeaving the Site endpoint in the Access Management APILeaving the Site.

  3. Get the environment ID (ENV_ID).

Get a List of Applications

To get a list of apps deployed to CloudHub, run the following curl command:

curl -X GET \
  --url https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/cloudhub/api/applications \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer AUTH_BEARER_TOKEN' \

Data Format

Resources and methods that return or accept a type use the JSON data format. Here is an example of data received in JSON format in response to a request to get an application:

Rate Limits

The CloudHub management API enforces global usage limits, with some exceptions.

Global Rate Limits for the CloudHub Management API

The following table lists the rate limits for the CloudHub management API endpoints except those listed in Exceptions to the Global Rate Limits.

When the app reaches the rate limit, CloudHub returns a 503 status code.

Endpoints Control Plane Rate Limit Per Client IP Address Status Code

All except specified endpoints


75 requests per second



25 requests per second

Government Cloud

Exceptions to the Global Rate Limits

The following table lists the exceptions to the Global Rate Limits for the CloudHub Management API.

When the app reaches the rate limit, CloudHub returns the status codes shown here.

Endpoints Control Plane Rate Limit Per Client IP Address Status Code

Endpoints under /api



75 requests per minute



25 requests per minute

Government Cloud

Endpoints under v2/applications/{domain}



10 requests per second





1 request per minute


Status Codes and Error Handling

When you call the CloudHub API, the following status codes are returned:

Status Code Description


The operation was successful.


The resource (such as an application) was created.

The Location header contains the location of the resource.


The resource was not found.


When creating a resource (such as a server, server group, or deployment), a resource with that name already exists.


The operation was unsuccessful due to reaching the rate limit.


The operation was unsuccessful.

See the HTTP body for details.


The operation was unsuccessful due to a temporary condition, such as server overload or reaching a rate limit.

Retry the operation.

When errors occur, such as a 500 status code, the HTTP response contains a JSON response with an error message:

Content-Type: application/json
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2015 00:12:55 GMT

  message : "Some error message."