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Add API Alerts for Mule Gateway or Service Mesh

To track and manage APIs, you can add one or more API alerts to your API instances. Add different types of alerts based on your requirements.

For APIs using Mule Gateway or Anypoint Service Mesh as their runtime, follow the steps in this tutorial to add alerts to your APIs.

You cannot add Policy Violation alerts to automated policies.

This tutorial is for Mule Gateway and Anypoint Service Mesh runtimes. To add alerts to APIs using Flex Gateway as their runtime, see Add API Alerts for Flex Gateway.

Add API Alerts for Mule Gateway or Anypoint Service Mesh

To add an API alert to a Mule Gateway or Anypoint Service Mesh API:

  1. Navigate to Anypoint Platform > API Manager.

  2. In API Administration, click the API instance to which to add an alert.

  3. Click Alerts > Add alert.

  4. Specify the alert options:

    • Name:

      Type an alert name, for example trial-alert.

      If adding multiple alerts to the same environment, the alerts must have unique names.

    • Enabled:

      The default option is Enabled.

      You can delete an alert anytime if not required.

    • Severity:

      Select a severity for the alert, for example, Info.

    • Alert type:

      Select the type of alert to create, (for example, Request Count) and provide appropriate alert configuration values. For information about alert types, see API Alerts.

      In the For at least and consecutive period(s) of fields, enter a value in the range of 1 - 999999999 to specify the time interval as a sliding window.

  5. Select Recipients.

    Specify what emails receive the email notification.

  6. Click Create Alert.