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Build SOAP API Proxies

API Manager 2.x enables you to use SOAP API proxies for your SOAP-based web services. The SOAP proxy requires a WSDL definition that describes the backend service. The WSDL defines how the API proxy must perform validations on incoming requests and correctly routes outbound requests for the corresponding API endpoint.

SOAP Proxy Schema Validation

Regardless of whether validation is enabled for an API, the SOAP request validator always verifies the following:

  • The incoming request has a valid SOAP action.

  • The payload is a valid SOAP envelope.

If validation is enabled for an API, the SOAP request validator also verifies that the content of the body tag matches the one defined in the WSDL. The SOAP action in the inbound request is matched against the same-named operation in the WSDL. The proxy then validates that the namespace URI of the element and the name associated with the operation match the same details in the incoming request.

If the validation fails, an error message informing the expected namespace URI and element name is generated. If the SOAP action in the inbound request is empty, the application then attempts to match the namespace URI and element name of the incoming request element to all the operations defined in the WSDL.

The first operation that matches the incoming request determines whether the validation is successful. If the match fails, an error message is generated with the suggested tag names for the element in the request.

Retrieving the WSDL from the Proxy Application

The SOAP proxy allows the backend web service to post requests (POST) and to retrieve (GET) the service WSDL. The GET request is performed by an HTTP GET method with either wsdl or WSDL as the query parameter:

Configuring a WSDL from Remote Location Using Basic Authentication Credentials

You can access a protected WSDL that is hosted on a remote location by configuring the basic.auth.user and basic.auth.password application properties in the configuration file. The properties are then passed to the validator module:

<soap-request-validator:config name="validator-config" wsdlLocation="http://myremoteurl:9092/service?wsdl" serviceName="myServiceName"
                                   servicePort="myServicePort" schemaValidationEnabled="true"
                                   basicAuthUser="${basic.auth.user}" basicAuthPassword="${basic.auth.password}"/>

If you do not provide authentication values for the properties, the WSDL is retrieved unauthenticated.

Retrieving a WSDL Using TLS

With SOAP proxy v2.1.0, you can retrieve a WSDL from a remote location using the TLS context configuration by default. The TLS context used for this operation is the same as the outbound configuration of the proxy.

Configure Your SOAP Proxy

Configure your SOAP proxy by completing the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Anypoint Platform > API Manager.

  2. In API Administration, click Add API and select Add new API.

  3. Select Mule Gateway as your runtime.

  4. Select Deploy a proxy application for Proxy type.

  5. If you selected to deploy a proxy application, select the Target type from the following options:

    • CloudHub 2.0: Select this option if you want to use the Mule runtime hosted by MuleSoft in a container-based cloud infrastructure. The CloudHub 2.0 proxy includes a CPU with 0.1 vCores by default.

      1. Select a space.

        To learn more about spaces, see Shared Spaces and Private Spaces.

      2. In Runtime version:

        1. Select the Runtime Channel.

        2. Select the Version for Mule runtime.

        3. Select the Java version.

      3. Enter a Proxy app name.

    • CloudHub: Select this option if you want to use the Mule runtime hosted on the cloud by MuleSoft. The CloudHub proxy includes a CPU with 0.1 vCores and a memory of 500 MB, by default.

      1. In Runtime version:

        1. Select the Runtime Channel.

        2. Select the Version for Mule runtime.

        3. Select the Java version.

      2. Enter a Proxy app name.

    • Hybrid: Select this option if you want to use a Mule runtime instance running on an on-premises server that is registered in Runtime Manager.

      See Register a server in Runtime Manager for more information.

      1. Select a target from the list or click Add server.

      2. Enter a Proxy app name.

    • Self-managed Server: Select this option if you want to create a JAR file to deploy an API proxy to a Mule runtime instance running on an on-premises server that is not registered in Runtime Manager. For more information, see On-Premises Deployment Model.

Deploying an API proxy to a self-managed server in API Manager doesn’t deploy the proxy to your on-premises server. After you deploy the proxy in API Manager, deploy the proxy to your on-premises server: . Download your new API proxy JAR file. . Deploy the JAR file to your on-premises server.

  • Runtime Fabric: Select Runtime Fabric if you want to deploy API Proxies to a Mule runtime engine that is managed on Runtime Fabric. See Deploying API Proxies to Runtime Fabric for more information.

    1. Select a target from the list.

    2. In Runtime version:

      1. Select the Runtime Channel.

      2. Select the Version for Mule runtime.

      3. Select the Java version.

    3. Enter a Proxy app name.

      1. Select an API from the following options:

  • Click Select API from Exchange if you have an API shared with you through Exchange that you want to manage.

    1. Click the API from the list under Select API. You can search for a specific API if needed.

    2. Update the Asset type, API version, and Asset version if you are not using the latest version.

      For more information about versions in Exchange, see Asset Versions.

    3. If you chose a RAML/OAS asset type, view the Conformance Status of the API to ensure the API is conformant. If the Conformance Status is nonconformant, after deployment, view the Governance Report to find and fix the conformance issues. For more information about the Governance Report, see Governing API Instances.

  • Click Create new API:

    1. Enter a Name for the new API asset.

    2. Select SOAP API as the Asset type.

    3. Select either Upload a WSDL or Use an external link as the method.

    4. Update the Asset type, API version, and Asset version if needed.

      1. Click Next.

      2. Configure the downstream configuration settings:

      3. Click Next.

      4. Configure the upstream configuration settings:

      5. Click Next.

      6. Review your selections and edit them if necessary.

      7. If you are ready to deploy, click Save & Deploy. Otherwise, you can select Save, to save the API instance and deploy it at a later time.

Troubleshooting SOAP Proxies for Missing Imports on XSD Files

A SOAP proxy can fail during deployment due to an incorrect WSDL definition. For example, the following error indicates missing imports in one of the XSD files that are a part of the WSDL:

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; systemId: http://localhost:8080/?wsdl304785538;
lineNumber: 2; columnNumber: 52; src-resolve.4.2: Error resolving component
'myNamespace:myElement’. It was detected that 'myNamespace:myElement' is in namespace
'http://my.namespace.url', but components from this namespace are not referenceable
from schema document 'http://localhost:8080/?wsdl304785538'. If this is the incorrect
namespace, perhaps the prefix of 'myNamespace:myElement' needs to be changed. If this
is the correct namespace, then an appropriate 'import' tag should be added to

This issue occurs when the definition of an element that is used in the WSDL file is found in an external XSD with a namespace other than that of the current WSDL file.

You can resolve this issue by adding the appropriate imports in the WSDL file. For example, for the exception in the previous example, the WSDL file must contain the following import in the types element:

<schema xmlns="">
<import namespace="http://my.namespace.url" schemaLocation="myXSDFile.xsd"/>