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On-Error Components

When an error occurs in a Mule app, an Error Handler component routes the error to the first On-Error component (On Error Continue or On Error Propagate) configuration that matches the Mule error, such as HTTP:NOT_FOUND, DB:CONNECTIVITY, or ANY (the default for all Mule errors). If no error handling is configured for the error, the app follows a default error handling process.

mruntime error handler
Figure 1. Error Handling Components in Studio

On-Error Components Behavior

On-Error components differ in the way they affect their owner, that is, the Flow or Try scope where they are defined. Also, On-Error components can be defined inside a Global Error Handler, affecting the entire Mule application.

On Error Propagate

Executes but propagates the error to a higher level, such as a containing scope (for example, to a Flow that contains a Try scope where the error occurs) or external flow containing a Flow Reference to the flow in which an error occurs. The error breaks the owner’s execution and propagates to that higher level, causing a failure at that level. In addition, any transaction the owner handles is rolled back. However, note that the transaction is not rolled back if another component (one that does not own On Error Propagate) created the transaction.

mruntime on error propagate

On Error Continue

Executes and uses the result of the execution as the result of its owner, as if the owner completed the execution successfully. Any transaction the owner handles is committed. However, note that the transaction is not committed if another component (one that does not own On Error Continue) created the transaction.

Error Matching

To help you identify and handle potential errors when designing a Mule app, On-Error components list the errors that the runtime engine and operations configured in the app can throw. You can select the errors you want to handle.

  • Matching based on error type:

    On-Error components can perform matching based on error types you select. The list of selectable error types depends on the module and connector operations within the flow or scope to which the On-Error component applies. It also lists EXPRESSION and STREAM_MAXIMUM_SIZE_EXCEEDED errors, which the runtime can throw.

    mruntime on error type selection

  • Matching based on a condition (for more advanced use cases):

    You can perform error matching based on a when condition that you define in the When field of an On-Error component. For example, you might map the component to fatal errors, which have error messages that contain the word "fatal":

      enableNotifications="true" logException="true"
      when='error.cause.message contains "fatal"'/>

    In the example, every error that matches the when expression is handled by on-error-continue. You can also add a restrictive type such as type="HTTP:CONNECTIVITY" so that the error handler handles only the errors that match the specified type and condition.

Note that matching conditions are evaluated sequentially, in the order in which the On-Error components reside in the error handler. For example, if you want to handle VALIDATION:NOT_NULL in one way but handle all other errors a different way, provide an On-Error component configuration for that error before a component that captures the remaining errors (identified as ANY by the second On-Error component). Remember that default error handling takes place for errors you do not explicitly match or use ANY to capture.

Configuration and Use

In most cases, you configure On-Error components within the scope-like Error Handler component. Though each flow contains only one built-in Error Handler, the Error Handler can contain as many On-Error components as you require, and each On-Error component can contain any number of other components, such as Loggers and other components that you configure to handle errors captured by the On-Error component.

Because an Error Handler component is built into Flow and Try components, you can use On-Error components for errors that occur within the scope of a flow or within a Try component. For examples, see Using On-Error Components to Handle Messaging Errors.

You can also use On-Error components in a separate Error Handler configuration that is referenced from a Flow component or Try scope (see Referencing a Global Error Handler).

By default, On-Error components also log matching errors and enable error notifications for occurrences of the errors. You can disable these settings by modifying the component properties in Studio or by editing the configuration XML. You can also configure notification listeners in your Mule application so that they can react to the notification events.

Error Handling within a Flow

Within a flow’s built-in Error Handler component, you can set up one or more On-Error components to match error types and expressions. The following example outlines the general structure for handling errors that occur within a given flow. One flow uses On Error Continue (on-error-continue) in its Error Handler component. The other flow uses On Error Propagate (on-error-propagate).

<flow name="catch">
  <!-- flow logic -->
      <!-- error handling logic -->

<flow name="rollback">
  <!-- flow logic -->
      <!-- error handling logic -->

Reuse of On-Error Scopes

Just as you can share error handlers by exposing them globally and referencing them in flows and try scopes, you can also reuse On-Error components. You can define and name an On-Error component globally and then reference from an Error Handler component.

Example: XML Configuration for Referenced On-Error
<on-error-propagate name="sharedPropagateHandler">
  <logger message="An unhandled error has occurred."/>

<on-error-continue type="EXPRESSION" name="sharedContinueHandler">
  <logger message="An expression failed to evaluate."/>

<error-handler name="reusingHandlers">
  <on-error ref="sharedContinueHandler"/>
  <on-error-continue type="ROUTING">
    <logger message="An expression failed to evaluate."/>
  <on-error ref="sharedPropagateHandler"/>

For other reuse examples, see Referencing a Global Error Handler.

Error Handling Example

The following error handlers are configured to produce { "MyError": "value was expected to be null" } for a VALIDATION:NOT_NULL error, rather than { "messageANY" : "Some other error" }. The string value was expected to be null is the description of the VALIDATION:NOT_NULL error. The Is Null component can throw this error. Is Null belongs to the Validation module.

On-Error Components Reference

Field Value Description

Type (type)

Mule error type

A comma-separated list of Mule error types that defines the errors handled by this on-error strategy.

When (when)

DataWeave Expression

A matching expression that defines the condition to trigger the execution of this on-error strategy. The expression must evaluate to a boolean value (true or false).

Enable Notifications (enableNotifications)


Specifies if this strategy fires a notification of type ExceptionNotification when an error occurs. The default value is true.

Log Exception (logException)


Specifies if the error is logged, at level ERROR, before this strategy handles it. The default value is true.