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Click App Element

The Click App Element Action Step lets you perform a number of click and/or invoke actions for an App Element. Invoke means the Microsoft API is addressed directly to execute the element function, which means no mouse action is needed.


  • Click App Element Settings

    • Initial Delay (ms)

      Defines how long to wait before initially executing the configured action.

    • (Additional) Modifier

      An additional key or key combination that is active when the configured mouse action executes.

      The following choices are available: None, Ctrl, Alt, Ctrl + Alt, Shift, Ctrl + Shift, Alt + Shift, Ctrl + Alt + Shift.

    • Mouse Action:

      Only available in Mouse Action operation mode. Defines which mouse action to execute.

      The following choices are available:

      • None

        Moves the mouse to the selected element and executes no action. This is equivalent to a hover.

      • Left Click

        Executes a single left-click.

      • Middle Click

        Executes a single click of the middle mouse button (usually the mouse wheel).

      • Right Click

        Executes a single right-click.

      • Double Left Click

        Executes a double left-click.

      • Double Right Click

        Executes a double right-click.

      • Wheel up

        Executes a mouse wheel up action, corresponding to scrolling up one row.

      • Wheel down

        Executes a mouse wheel down action, corresponding to scrolling down one row.

  • Operation mode

    You can select here between Invoke Element and Mouse Action.

    • Invoke element

      Communicates directly with the Microsoft API to execute the functions of the element; the mouse is not moved in this process.

    • Mouse Action

      Simulates the configured mouse action and moves the mouse to the target element.

  • Trigger count

    Defines how often the configured action executes.

Inbound Variables

  • Trigger Count

  • Initial Delay

  • XPath to Element

  • Window Title

Outbound Variables

The Click App Element Action Step does not have any outbound variables.


In the Mouse action, Operation Mode you determine the type of the action (such as Double Left Click), while Trigger Count defines the number of times this action is performed. The Action Step ensures that the clicks are grouped correctly. In other words, a configured double-click is executed directly, while a normal Left Click with two repetitions is executed with a time delay, to ensure that Windows does not register a double-click.