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Reviewing Alerts Concepts

Anypoint Platform alerts you about request behavior, performance issues, actions related to client application contracts, and runtime events.

The platform supports three types of alerts:

  • API alerts

  • Contracts alerts

  • Runtime alerts

API alerts and contracts alerts are managed by Anypoint API Monitoring. Runtime alerts are managed by Anypoint Runtime Manager (Runtime Manager). Refer to Using Flex Gateway API Alert to learn how to use the new API Monitoring alerts.

API Alerts aren’t available on Hyperforce deployments.

API Alerts

Add and configure API alerts that flag unusual API behavior, such as:

  • An API response time over 60 seconds

  • More than 1000 API requests in 30 seconds

API Manager enables you to add the following API alerts to an API instance:

  • Policy Violation

    An infraction of one or more policies governing the API occurs.

  • Request Count

    Users request access to the API more times than allowed in a specified interval of time.

    Specify time interval values from 1 through 999999999. To prevent data bursts, intervals are implemented as sliding windows instead of as absolute minute boundaries. See Sliding WindowsLeaving the Site.

  • Response Code

    The API returns one of these HTTP codes upon receiving a request: 400, 401, 403, 404, 408, 500, 502, or 503.

  • Response Time

    The response time of the API exceeds a specified timeout period.

API alerts are triggered only when states change, although the first occurrence of a state change might be undetected due to newly created alerts not having defined states.

When configuring an API alert, you select Business Group users to receive email notifications about the alert. Notifications include information about events that trigger alerts as specified by severity level. Users receive the following:

  • One email describes the alert:

    Your API, CesarDemoAPI - Basic:151 (Environment: "NewOne"), has received greater than 2 requests within 1 consecutive periods of 1 minute.

  • Another email notifies you when the alert is resolved.

    Your API Version, jsonplaceholderapi - 1.0.development, is no longer in an alert state. The number of policy violations was not greater than 1 in the last 1 consecutive periods of 1 minute.

After an alert is triggered, API Manager sends the first set of two notification emails and stops listening for alerts until the next alert period begins. This technique prevents repeated notification emails.

Note: API Alerts are sent from no-reply@mulesoft.com. This cannot be customized.

The alert email can be sent before the corresponding sliding window has fully closed.
Although the alert condition is evaluated based on the sliding window, the condition may be met before all metrics for the window arrive. For example: If the alert condition is set to "error count > 1 in a 5-minute window" and 10 errors occur within the first minute, the alert email is sent during that first minute, even though the sliding window continues to accumulate metrics for the remaining 4 minutes.

Contracts Alerts

API Manager automatically notifies users when actions related to contracts occur. For instance, when a client application requests access to an API instance, API Manager sends a notification with the status of the request. Depending on the configuration, status might indicate that the request is pending manual approval, or it might indicate that the request has been auto-approved.

The following actions trigger contracts alerts:

Table 1. Contracts
Action Recipient Description

Contract approved

Client application owners

User is notified that request access was approved.

Contract auto-approved

Organization administrators, environment administrators, contracts managers

User is notified that request access was auto-approved.

Contract pending

Organization administrators, environment administrators, contracts managers

User is notified that request access is pending.

Pending contract rejected

Client application owners

User is notified that request access was rejected.

Revoked contract restored

Client application owners

User is notified that request access was restored.

Approved contract revoked

Client application owners

User is notified that request access was revoked.

Contract tier changed

Client application owners

User is notified that the contract tier was changed.

Requested contract tier change approved

Client application owners

User is notified that a requested tier change was approved.

Requested contract tier change rejected

Client application owners

User is notified that a requested tier change was rejected.

Contract tier change requested

Organization administrators, environment administrators, contracts managers

User is notified that a contract tier change is pending review.

Table 2. Group Contracts
Action Recipient Description

Contract approved

Client application owners

User is notified that request access was approved.

Contract auto-approved

Group administrators

User is notified that request access was auto-approved.

Approved contract revoked

Client application owners

User is notified that request access was revoked.

Revoked contract restored

Client application owners

User is notified that request access was restored.

Pending contract rejected

Client application owners

User is notified that request access was rejected.

Contract pending

Group administrators

User is notified that request access is pending.

Contract tier changed

Client application owners

User is notified that a contract tier change is pending review.

Requested contract tier change approved

Client application owners

User is notified that a requested tier change was approved.

Requested contract tier change rejected

Client application owners

User is notified that a requested tier change was rejected.

Contract tier change requested

Group administrators

User is notified that a contract tier change is pending review.

Contracts Alerts are sent from no-reply@mulesoft.com. This cannot be customized.

Runtime Alerts

Alerts in Runtime Manager differ from API alerts and contracts alerts. For example, Runtime Manager flags CPU usage, secure data gateway status, and deployment success or failure. See Runtime Manager Alerts.

Flex Gateway Alerts

Alerts for Flex Gateway differ from API alerts and contract alerts. For example, Flex Gateway includes Alert Logic options and the ability to customize the subject and message of Email notifications. See Using Flex Gateway API Alerts for more information.

Alert Rate Limits

Anypoint Platform enforces rate limits that determine how often an alert is triggered, and how often email notifications are sent.

See Rate Limits on Alerts for information on enforced limits.