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Anypoint API Manager

Anypoint API Manager (API Manager) is a component of Anypoint Platform that enables you to manage, govern, and secure APIs. It provides an interface to configure the runtime capabilities of Anypoint Flex Gateway, Anypoint Mule Gateway, and Anypoint Service Mesh. With API Manager you can:

  • Enforce policies

  • Collect and track analytics data

  • Manage proxies and applications

  • Provide encryption and authentication

API Manager is tightly integrated with the following tools:

Before using API Manager, familiarize yourself with the user interface and the tasks you can perform therein.

The following video provides a quick overview of API Manager:

What API Manager Looks Like

To access API Manager, log in to Anypoint Platform and select API Manager:

API Manager page navigation shown with callouts.
1 The environment selector. Anypoint Platform enables you to create and manage separate deployment environments for APIs and applications. API Manager displays all environments except design environments. For details, see Switching Environments.
2 Sidebar:
  • API Groups

    An API group is an API asset that enables organizations to publish a group of API instances as a single unit. For details, see API Groups.

  • Automated Policies

    Policy automation enables security architects and administrators to secure and govern every API running in an environment. For details, see Automated Policies.

  • Client Applications

    Applications are external services that consume APIs. For details about applications and their related contracts, see View API Instance Contracts.

  • Custom Policies

    Custom policies are policies that anyone can develop and apply to their APIs, with the intention of extending existing functionality or defining new functionality. For details, see Custom Policies.

  • DataGraph Administration

    Anypoint DataGraph enables you to unify all the data within your application network in a unified schema. For details, see Anypoint DataGraph Overview. DataGraph Administration is only visible after you configure a DataGraph unified schema.

  • Mule API Analytics

    Mule API Analytics provide insight into how your Mule APIs are being used and how they are performing. For details, see Reviewing Mule API Analytics Usage.

3 The Add API button. Enables you to add a new API instance, to promote an API from any environment to the current environment, or to import a configuration ZIP file that was exported from API Manager. For details, see Getting Started with Managing an API.
4 The Environment information button, available only to administrator users. Enables administrators to display a dialog with information about the current environment, such as environment credentials. Use environment credentials to provision the Anypoint Service Mesh adapter or to configure Studio to sync with your environment.
5 Search. Enables you to search for managed APIs using the API search field. Searches are case-insensitive. Filter search results by selecting Active.
6 The tracking registration status of each API: Active, Inactive, or Unregistered.

A status of Unregistered means that Anypoint Platform has never tracked the endpoint for this API version. Either you have entered a URL for an API or proxy that hasn’t yet communicated with the platform, or you have declared an endpoint that is hosted somewhere other than an API gateway and need to proxy that endpoint so that the platform can track it.

The endpoint must have a tracking registration status of Active for governance policies and SLA tiers to function.

7 The name of each API. Clicking the API name navigates you to the API Settings view, where you manage the following:
8 The percentage of API requests that resulted in errors (in the past 24 hours).

If "No Data" is displayed, automatic monitoring has not been enabled for the API. For details, see Getting Started.

9 The total number of API requests (in the past 24 hours).

If "No Data" is displayed, automatic monitoring has not been enabled for the API. For details, see Getting Started.

10 The number of contracted client applications for each API. For details, see Client Applications, Contracts, and Credentials.

API Manager Components, Concepts, and Features

API Instances

An API instance describes a configuration of an API that is deployed on one of the following runtimes: Flex Gateway, Mule Gateway, or Anypoint Service Mesh. API instances are managed by API Manager after they are created by using the add, promote, or import options. API instances remain under management until they are deleted. To view the API Summary for an API instance, click the API instance name.

For more detail, see Managing API Instances.

API Summary

The API Summary shows key information about a deployed API instance:

API Summary page

Key Metrics

The API Summary page includes a Key Metrics section.

Understanding Key Metrics

The Key Metrics section of the API summary contains the following charts:

Total Requests

Sum of requests in the selected time period for the given API.

Data is aggregated in one minute increments.

Total Policy Violations

Sum of requests that return policy violations.

Data is aggregated in one minute increments.

Total Errors

Sum of HTTP response codes that occur in the selected time period. The response codes counted in this metric are 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 415, 416, 417, 420, 422, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504, 504, 510, and 511.

Data is aggregated in one minute increments. In the chart, HTTP response codes are abbreviated as 4xx and 5xx.

Average Response Time

Average response time of requests in the selected time period for the given API.

Data is aggregated in one minute increments.

Setting the Time Period for Key Metrics

You can view the data points collected for the last given period of time (such as the last 5 or 30 minutes) or over a given date and time range. Use the drop-down in the calendar icon to select the time period to display.

API Alerts

An API alert (different from a Runtime Manager alert) is an alarm that flags one of the following:

  • The API request violates a policy.

  • Requests received by the API exceed a given number within a specified period of time.

  • The API returns a specified HTTP error code.

  • The API response time exceeds a specified timeout value.

API Manager triggers alerts when states change from desirable to undesirable or vice versa. When an alert is triggered, API Manager sends an email notification to you and to anyone else you specify in the configuration.

For details, see Reviewing Alerts Concepts.


Contracts define how client applications consume APIs. A client application requests access in Exchange. Either the owner of the API instance approves the request in API Manager or the approval is automatic, depending on configuration.

Contracts are enforced with either of the following:

  • SLA enforcement policies

  • Client enforcement policies

For details about enforcement policies, see Client Applications, Contracts, and Credentials.


Policies enable you to enforce regulations to help manage security, control traffic, and improve adaptability of your APIs. For example, a policy can control authentication, access, allotted consumption, and service level access (SLA).

API Manager supports the following types of policies:

  • Default policies

  • Custom policies

SLA Tiers

Service Level Access (SLA) tiers are categories of user access that you define for an API. The tier definition combined with an SLA-based policy determines whether access to the API at a certain level requires your approval. The tier definition also can limit the number of requests an application can make to the API. To enforce SLA tiers, you need to apply a rate-limiting or throttling policy that is SLA-based.

For details, see Reviewing SLA Tiers Concepts.


When adding an API instance, you configure the API instance settings to set parameters such as the runtime and upstream and downstream URIs.

To add an API instance, see Add API Instances.

After you create the API instance, you can edit the configuration settings from Settings.

To edit an API instance, see Editing an API Instance.

Governance Report

API Governance is integrated with API Manager to identify the conformance status of your API instances.

API Governance tests API instances against rulesets to determine conformance issues such as missing policies and missing TLS contexts.

You can view the governance validation report details to get the information you need to fix conformance issues. The validation report is available both in API Manager on the Governance Report page and in API Governance.

To learn more about governing your API instances, see Governing API Instances.

Client Providers (Identity Providers)

You use client providers to enforce security and regulations in your business organization. Client providers authorize client applications.

For details about using client providers, see Configure Multiple Client Providers for Client Management.

API Assets

API assets, published by Exchange, are the components that comprise applications. Components include any of the following:

  • APIs (OAS, RAML, RAML fragments, HTTP, WSDL, and custom)

  • API groups

  • Policies

  • Examples

  • Templates

  • Modules

  • Connectors

For details about sharing assets via a private Exchange or an Exchange public portal, see Publish Assets.

API Console

When you create or edit APIs in API Manager, use Building, Implementing, and Testing a REST API to expose and test your API specification. You can test RAML and OAS APIs when you manage the API as an endpoint with proxy. The console flow is already included and enabled (by default) in the API specification when you download an out-of-the-box proxy for your Mule application.

Starting with Mule 4, you can enable access to API Console and modify the API Console path from API Manager. API Console access from API Manager is disabled by default. For information about how to enable API Console access from API Manager, see Adding a Mule Gateway API Instance.

API Groups

An API group is a collection of API instances that act as a single unit, so that applications can access them using one client ID. API groups are created in API Manager and published to Exchange.

For details, see API Groups.

Autodiscovery Schemes

Through autodiscovery schemes, API Manager can track the API throughout the life cycle as you modify, version, deploy, govern, and publish it.

Business Groups

A system administrator groups individuals within an organization into business groups. Each group has its own Exchange API assets and its own environments.

For details, see Business Groups.


Anypoint Platform enables you to create and manage separate deployment environments for APIs and applications. These environments are independent from each other and enable you to test your applications under the same conditions as in your production environment.

The support for environments in strategic components of Anypoint Platform eliminates the need to construct version names to reflect an environment. Restricting access to and managing environments is also simplified. Permissions to access APIs are environment-based.

For details, see Environments.

API Manager on Hyperforce

All features of Anypoint API Manager are supported on Hyperforce with these exceptions:

  • API Alerts.

  • Key Metrics. Instead, use Anypoint Monitoring, to access metrics to monitor API performance.

  • Mule Hybrid and CloudHub deployment. Migrate to CloudHub 2.0 to deploy your APIs.

  • API Service Mesh is scheduled for End of Life and is not available on Hyperforce. For service mesh capabilities, consider upgrading to API Gateway.

  • API Manager 1.x. Migrate to API Manager 2.x dor continued use and access to the latest features.