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Build HTTPS API Proxies

API Manager 2.x enables you to use the secrets stored in your secret group to build an HTTPS-based API for your CloudHub or hybrid deployments. By configuring a TLS context for your inbound and outbound traffic, you can ensure your traffic’s security.

The secrets manager integration is only supported by API Proxies running Mule 4 on CloudHub, Hybrid, or standalone deployments. Supported keystores for the TLS context are JCEKS, PKCS12, and JKS.

To build an HTTPS Proxy in a Mule 3 or Runtime Fabric deployment target, see Build an HTTPS Service.

Before You Begin

To configure your HTTPS API Proxy using secrets stored in your secret group, ensure you have:

  • Requested the following permissions from your Anypoint Platform admin:

    • Secrets Manager permissions
      To configure an existing TLS context for the API Proxy, you need the Read secrets metadata permission. Review the Secrets Manager Permissions reference for more information.

    • API Manager permissions
      To apply a TLS context to an API proxy in API Manager, you need the Manage API Configuration role. See the API Manager section of the Permissions by Product page for more information.

  • Created a Secret Group
    Enable the Secret Group Downloadable checkbox.

  • Added a TLS Context
    Set TLS context’s target to Mule.

Configure your HTTPS API Proxy

Configure your HTTPS API Proxy by completing the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Anypoint Platform > API Manager.

  2. In API Administration, click Add API and select Add new API.

  3. Select Mule Gateway as your runtime.

  4. Select Deploy a proxy application for Proxy type.

  5. If you selected to deploy a proxy application, select the Target type from the following options:

    • CloudHub 2.0: Select this option if you want to use the Mule runtime hosted by MuleSoft in a container-based cloud infrastructure. The CloudHub 2.0 proxy includes a CPU with 0.1 vCores by default.

      1. Select a space.

        To learn more about spaces, see Shared Spaces and Private Spaces.

      2. In Runtime version:

        1. Select the Runtime Channel.

        2. Select the Version for Mule runtime.

        3. Select the Java version.

      3. Enter a Proxy app name.

    • CloudHub: Select this option if you want to use the Mule runtime hosted on the cloud by MuleSoft. The CloudHub proxy includes a CPU with 0.1 vCores and a memory of 500 MB, by default.

      1. In Runtime version:

        1. Select the Runtime Channel.

        2. Select the Version for Mule runtime.

        3. Select the Java version.

      2. Enter a Proxy app name.

    • Hybrid: Select this option if you want to use a Mule runtime instance running on an on-premises server that is registered in Runtime Manager.

      See Register a server in Runtime Manager for more information.

      1. Select a target from the list or click Add server.

      2. Enter a Proxy app name.

    • Self-managed Server: Select this option if you want to create a JAR file to deploy an API proxy to a Mule runtime instance running on an on-premises server that is not registered in Runtime Manager. For more information, see On-Premises Deployment Model.

Deploying an API proxy to a self-managed server in API Manager doesn’t deploy the proxy to your on-premises server. After you deploy the proxy in API Manager, deploy the proxy to your on-premises server: . Download your new API proxy JAR file. . Deploy the JAR file to your on-premises server.

  • Runtime Fabric: Select Runtime Fabric if you want to deploy API Proxies to a Mule runtime engine that is managed on Runtime Fabric. See Deploying API Proxies to Runtime Fabric for more information.

    1. Select a target from the list.

    2. In Runtime version:

      1. Select the Runtime Channel.

      2. Select the Version for Mule runtime.

      3. Select the Java version.

    3. Enter a Proxy app name.

      1. Select an API from the following options:

  • Click Select API from Exchange if you have an API shared with you through Exchange that you want to manage.

    1. Click the API from the list under Select API. You can search for a specific API if needed.

    2. Update the Asset type, API version, and Asset version if you are not using the latest version.

      For more information about versions in Exchange, see Asset Versions.

    3. If you chose a RAML/OAS asset type, view the Conformance Status of the API to ensure the API is conformant. If the Conformance Status is nonconformant, after deployment, view the Governance Report to find and fix the conformance issues. For more information about the Governance Report, see Governing API Instances.

  • Click Create new API:

    1. Enter a Name for the new API asset.

    2. Select the Asset type from the following options:

      • REST API: Select this option if you have a RAML or OAS API definition file you want to include for your asset.

        Upload either a RAML or OAS file for your REST API. Versions 2.0.0 and later are the recommended versions for OAS or RAML specs, because these versions add native OAS support. If you upload an OAS API specification to an API proxy version 1.0 or earlier, your API specification is translated to RAML.

      • HTTP API: Select this option if you do not have an API definition file you want to include for your asset.

      • SOAP API: Select this option if you have a WSDL API definition file or an external link to the file.

        Upload a WSDL file for your SOAP API or add the link to the file.
        This option is not available for Flex Gateway runtime at this time.

    3. Update the Asset type, API version, and Asset version if you are not using the latest version.

      For more information about versions in Exchange, see Asset Versions.

    4. If you chose a RAML/OAS asset type, view the Conformance Status of the API to ensure the API is conformant. If the Conformance Status is nonconformant, after deployment, view the Governance Report to find and fix the conformance issues. For more information about the Governance Report, see Governing API Instances.

      1. Click Next.

      2. Configure the downstream configuration settings:

        To configure an HTTPS Proxy, you must select HTTPS and configure an Inbound TLS context.
      3. Click Next.

      4. Configure the upstream configuration settings:

      5. Click Next.

      6. Review your selections and edit them if necessary.

      7. If you are ready to deploy, click Save & Deploy. Otherwise, you can select Save, to save the API instance and deploy it at a later time.

API Proxy Deployment

You can deploy your API proxy to CloudHub, hybrid, or standalone servers.

Deploy to CloudHub

After you configured your API Proxy and selected CloudHub as the Proxy deployment target, your API Proxy will be automatically deployed, with the secrets already configured.

Your secrets are configured as secure property placeholders under the SecureProperties in your mule-artifact.json.
The amount of properties supplied depends on your selected configuration:





The 281324 suffix in this case is API instance ID of your API Proxy.

If you inspect your API Proxy’s XML, you can see these properties being used in your trustore/keystore configurations:

<tls:trust-store path="outbound-truststore.jks" password="${outbound.truststore.password_281324}" type="JKS" insecure="true"  />

Deploy to Hybrid

After you configure your API Proxy and select Hybrid as the Proxy deployment target, your API Proxy is automatically deployed, with the secrets already configured.

Your secrets are configured as secure property placeholders under the SecureProperties in your mule-artifact.json.

+ The amount of properties supplied depends on your selected configuration:





The 281324 suffix in this case is API instance ID of your API Proxy.

If you inspect your API Proxy’s XML, you can see these properties being used in your trustore/keystore configurations:

<tls:trust-store path="outbound-truststore.jks" password="${outbound.truststore.password_281324}" type="JKS" insecure="true"  />

Deploy to Standalone Servers

To deploy your API Proxy to a standalone server, provide secured properties for each TLS Context.

  1. Download the API Proxy.

    1. In API Manager, select the version of the API proxy you want to download.

    2. Click the Actions button in the top-right corner of your screen and select Download Proxy.

  2. Take note of your API instance ID under API Instance ID.

  3. When running your standalone Mule instance, you need to provide the keystore and key passphrases as -D arguments, along with your API Proxy’s API instance ID.
    For example, if your API instance ID is 15464957, you need to pass the arguments:

    ./bin/mule \
    -M-Dinbound.keystore.keyPassword_15464957=pass123 \
    -M-Dinbound.keystore.password_15464957=pass123 \
    -M-Dinbound.truststore.password_15464957=pass123 \
    -M-Doutbound.keystore.keyPassword_15464957=pass123 \
    -M-Doutbound.keystore.password_15464957=pass123 \