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Get a SOAP Header

In SoapUI, the request window shows the soap envelope header. To retrieve a SOAP header from the request:

Request window showing the SOAP envelope header
  1. In SoapUI, modify the OrderTshirt request by entering a value for the API key.

    For example, enter 987654321 between the <apiKey> tags.

  2. In Studio, in the OrderTshirt:\soapkit-config flow, select Transform Message.

  3. Edit the DataWeave code to get the API key, which is a header property:

    %dw 2.0
    output application/java
    ns ns0
          body : {
             ns0#OrderTshirtResponse: {
               orderId: "I got a request from "
               ++ " using the following auth header "
               ++ (payload.headers["AuthenticationHeader"].ns0#AuthenticationHeader.apiKey default "")
        } write "application/xml"
  4. Save and run the project again.

  5. In SoapUI, send a request to the OrderTshirt endpoint. + The following response appears:

    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
          <ns0:OrderTshirtResponse xmlns:ns0="">
             <orderId>I got a request from John, using the following auth header 987654321</orderId>