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Scaffolding Reference

Generate the backbone of a REST API implementation based on RESTful API Modeling Language (RAML) or OpenAPI Specifications (OAS) with APIkit for REST scaffolder.

API Scaffolding

Studio offers several ways to scaffold an API:

  • From New Mule Project wizard, select Scaffold Flows From These API Specifications when importing a published API from Exchange or Maven, importing from a local file, or downloading from Design Center.

  • From Package Explorer, right-click the API file and select Mule > Generate flows from Local REST API.

  • From Package Explorer, right-click the API dependency and select Generate flows from its context menu.

Scaffolding from a local file is not supported for OAS. Scaffolding OAS APIs is available only for published assets in Exchange.

Implementation Reference

When scaffolding a REST API specification, APIkit generates the following components:

  • A main flow that acts as the entry point and includes:

    • HTTP Listener as a source

    • APIkit Router as the main operation

      APIkit Router is a message processor that directs messages from incoming API requests to the corresponding Mule flows and generates a serialized response using default values. For example, in an invalid request, APIkit generates a bad request response, and a missing associated flow for the requested API resource results in a not implemented response.

      While APIkit Router validates aspects such as request payload, headers, query parameters, and URI parameters, it does not validate all elements specified in an API specification. Specifically, the router does not perform security-related validation, such as authentication enforcement. Instead, the API gateway policies are responsible for this validation, which occurs before the request reaches the router.

    • Error Handler

  • A secondary flow that exposes the API console and includes:

    • HTTP Listener as a source

    • APIkit Console as the main operation

    • Error Handler

  • In addition to N flows, one per API action-resource-content-type combination, each flow includes:

    • No source (this option is available for APIkit for REST and SOAP applications only)

    • A mock implementation you substitute later with your actual business logic
