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Associating Business Groups and Environments with a Private Space

Before deploying to a private space, you can specify environments and at least one business group to associate with it. This association specifies in which environments the private space appears as a target deployment in the Deployment Target list when deploying an app. For information, see Deploying Apps to Private Spaces.

You can associate a private space with the production and sandbox environments in the business group, and its child business groups, that it’s registered with or with a subset of business groups.

By default, a private space is associated with all sandbox environments in its business groups.

Associate Business Groups and Environments

If you have the CloudHub Network Administrator permission, associate environments in the business group or groups with the private space:

  1. From Anypoint Platform, select Runtime Manager > Private Spaces.

  2. Click the name of the private space to manage.

  3. Click the Environments tab to:

Associate Business Groups

  1. Select the business groups from the drop-down list:

    • This business group and its children

      This option allows you to select either all environments, all sandbox environment or all production environments for the selected business group and all its children.

    • Selected business groups

      Enter the business group name in the Add business group field and select it from the list. This option allows you to select specific environments for specific business groups.

      The list includes the business group and its child business groups to which the private space is registered and that have not yet been added.

    1. Click Save Changes or Discard Changes to discard or confirm the association.

    Select the business group from the drop-down list.

Associate Environments

  1. Select the environments from the drop-down list:

    • All Environment

      Associates the private space with all sandbox and production environments in the business group and all its children, or in specific business groups.

    • All Sandbox Environments

      Associates the private space with only sandbox environments in the business group and all its children, or in specific business groups.

    • All Production Environments

      Associates the private space with only production environments in the business group and all its children, or in specific business groups.

    • Select Environments Manually

      Allows you to associate the private space with specific environments in specific business groups.

      • Check the Sandbox or Production box to bulk select all sandbox or production environments in specific business groups.

      • Check the box for each specific subenvironment to individually select the desired environments in specific business groups.

    1. Click Save Changes or Discard Changes to discard or confirm the association.

    Select the environments from the drop-down list.

Add or Remove Business Groups

You can add or remove business groups for your private space:

To add new business groups, use the Add business group field.

To remove a business group, click the trash can icon for the entry.

Delete icon on the Environments tab

Manage Resources for a Business Group

If you have the Organization Administrator permission, view or manage resources associated with a business group:

  1. Log in to Anypoint Platform using an account that has the Organization Administrator permission.

  2. In the navigation bar or the main Anypoint Platform page, click Access Management.

  3. In the Access Management navigation menu, click Business Groups.

  4. Click the Settings tab.

  5. In the Resources section, view or modify the allocation for a resource, such as Production vCores.

  6. Click Save Changes or Discard Changes.

If Business Groups is not in the Access Management navigation menu:

  1. Log in to Anypoint Platform using an account that has the Organization Administrator permission.

  2. In the navigation bar or the main Anypoint Platform page, click Access Management.

  3. In the Access Management navigation menu, click Organization.

  4. Click the name of the business group you want to modify.

  5. View or modify the allocation for a resource, such as Production vCores.

  6. Click Save Changes or Discard Changes.