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HTTP Connector Reference

HTTP Connector connects cloud applications that are not currently supported through dedicated connectors. Use HTTP Connector to connect to systems that Composer does not currently support to extend the capabilities of the systems that Composer does support. HTTP Connector for Composer uses HTTPLeaving the Site 1.1 to handle JSON data.


To connect to a system, whether it is a source of data or the target where you are sending data, you must create a connection with the required credentials of that system. You typically connect to different systems within a flow and can reuse each connection every time you need to connect.

Provide the following connection information:

The HTTP response timeout is 60 seconds and cannot be changed.
Connection Name

Enter a connection name that will help you remember the details of this connection. You can reuse connections multiple times in a single flow, and in more than one flow, and the credentials are hidden after you create the connection. Therefore, it’s helpful to provide a name that easily identifies this connection from others.

Only you can see the connection. Other users in your Composer app must create their own connections.

Base URL

The default location URL for the cloud application that the connection uses.


The following authorization options are available:

  • OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials
    The OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials obtain an access token from a user-defined path. Provide a value for the following fields:

    • Base URL

    • Client ID

    • Client Secret

    • Token URL

  • API Key
    The API Key connects to applications without explicitly defining a user. You must add this key to all requests, and the cloud application identifies the origin of the request and completes the authorization. Provide a value for the following fields:

    • Base URL

    • Name

    • Value

    • Sent As: Select one of the following values:

      • Header: If selected, Composer adds the following header to the request: Name: Value.

      • Query Parameter: If selected, Composer adds the following query parameter to the request: Name=Value.

  • Basic Authentication
    The Basic Authentication method enables an HTTP user agent to provide a username and password when making an HTTP request. Provide a value for the following fields:

    • Base URL

    • Username

    • Password

  • Bearer Token Authorization Bearer Token Authorization is the authentication process that sends a header named Authorization with a value of Bearer and a token with every request. Provide a value for the following fields:

    • Base URL

    • Token

Connect Your Target System in Composer Using OAuth 2.0

Using HTTP Connector, you can establish a connection with an OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code GrantLeaving the Site to enable authorization. With this authorization, you can then access resources hosted by other apps such as Salesforce, Gmail, or Outlook 365.

Before establishing a connection, you must create an OAuth Client in the target system. The process for creating an OAuth Client depends on each target system.

The following tables provide configuration examples and details about required fields when connecting to a target system using an OAuth client:


To use the same Client ID and Client Secret in different flows, use the same Composer connection and consider the allowed requests per minute. To use different Composer connections, use different Fortnox environments.
Step Field Example Value Notes

Connect to your HTTP Account

Connection Display Name

Fort Nox at admin@1342287

This should be your user.

Authorization Type

OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code

The value in this field is fixed.

Base URL


Client ID


Client Secret




For all available scopes, see OAuth 2.0 Scopes for Fortnox APIsLeaving the Site.

Authorization URL


You must register your callback URL on the Fortnox account created application. Fortnox allows you to specify only one callback URL by application, so you must create different applications to specify different environment callback URLs.

Authorization URL Query Parameters

Parameter 1:

  • Key: access_type

  • Value: offline

Token Exchange URL


Token Exchange Headers

Parameter 1:

  • Key: Authorization

  • Value: Basic NmE4OTUzY2MtMTk2Zi00MjZiLTgwMTUtZWVjMjY1OWI1MzAx

Fortnox requires a Basic authentication header in the Basic CREDENTIALS format, where CREDENTIALS is the Base64 encoding of Client ID and Client Secret, separated with a colon. For example:

  • Client ID: 8VurtMGDTeAI

  • Client Secret: yFKwme8LEQ

  • Credentials: OFZ1cnRNR0RUZUFJOnlGS3dtZThMRVE=

For more information, see AuthenticationLeaving the Site.

Token Refresh URL


Token Refresh Headers

Parameter 1:

  • Key: Authorization

  • Value: Basic NmE4OTUzY2MtMTk2Zi00MjZiLTgwMTUtZWVjMjY1OWI1MzAx

Fortnox requires a Basic authentication header in the Basic CREDENTIALS format, where CREDENTIALS is the Base64 encoding of Client ID and Client Secret, separated with a colon. For example:

  • Client ID: 8VurtMGDTeAI

  • Client Secret: yFKwme8LEQ

  • Credentials: OFZ1cnRNR0RUZUFJOnlGS3dtZThMRVE=

For more information, see AuthenticationLeaving the Site.

Access Token Expired Code


Test HTTP Connection

Request Method


Request Path



Step Field Example Value Notes

Connect to your HTTP Account

Connection Display Name

Gmail john.smith@gmail.com connection

Including the Gmail email address aids in identifying the connection from a list.

Authorization Type

OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code

The value in this field is fixed.

Base URL


Client ID


Client Secret



https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.send https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.readonly

For all available scopes, see OAuth 2.0 Scopes for Google APIsLeaving the Site.

Authorization URL


Authorization URL Query Parameters

Parameter 1:

  • Key: access_type

  • Value: offline

Parameter 2:

  • Key: prompt

  • Value: consent

Token Exchange URL


Token Refresh URL


Token Revoke URL


Access Token Expired Code


Test HTTP Connection

Request Method


Request Path


For more information, see the Gmail API documentationLeaving the Site.

Google Calendar

Step Field Example Value Notes

Connect to your HTTP Account

Connection Display Name

Calendar at john.smith@gmail.com

Including the Gmail email address aids in identifying the connection from a list.

Authorization Type

OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code

The value in this field is fixed.

Base URL


Client ID


Client Secret



  • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar.events

  • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar.readonly

For all available scopes, see OAuth 2.0 Scopes for Google APIsLeaving the Site.

Authorization URL


Authorization URL Query Parameters

Parameter 1:

  • Key: access_type

  • Value: offline

Parameter 2:

  • Key: prompt

  • Value: consent

Token Exchange URL


Token Refresh URL


Token Revoke URL


Access Token Expired Code


Test HTTP Connection

Request Method


Request Path


For more information, see the Google Calendar APILeaving the Site documentation.

Google Sheets

Step Field Example Value Notes

Connect to your HTTP Account

Connection Display Name

Google Sheets at john.smith@gmail.com

Including the Gmail email address aids in identifying the connection from a list.

Authorization Type

OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code

The value in this field is fixed.

Base URL


Client ID


Client Secret



  • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets

  • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly

  • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.metadata.readonly

For more information, see the Google Drive API-specific authorization and authentication informationLeaving the Site documentation.

Authorization URL


Authorization URL Query Parameters

Parameter 1:

  • Key: access_type

  • Value: offline

Parameter 2:

  • Key: prompt

  • Value: consent

Token Exchange URL


Token Refresh URL


Token Revoke URL


Access Token Expired Code


Test HTTP Connection

Request Method


Request Path


For more information, see the Google Drive API-specific authorization and authentication informationLeaving the Site documentation.


Step Field Example Value Notes

Connect to your HTTP Account

Connection Display Name

Hubspot Composer DEMO org

Including the Hubspot organization name aids in identifying the connection from a list.

Authorization Type

OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code

The value in this field is fixed.

Base URL


Client ID


For more information, see the Hubspot documentationLeaving the Site.

Client Secret



  • settings.users.read

  • crm.lists.read

  • settings.users.teams.read

  • crm.schemas.contacts.read

Authorization URL


Token Exchange URL


Token Refresh URL


Access Token Expired Code


Test HTTP Connection

Request Method


Request Path

  • contacts/v1/lists/all/contacts/all?count=1

  • https://api.hubapi.com/application/settings/test/v1/actions/accounts-fetch

For more information, see the Hubspot OAuth 2.0Leaving the Site documentation.


Step Field Example Value Notes

Connect to your HTTP Account

Connection Display Name

Jira at ocs.citizen.demo@gmail.com (STG)

Including the Gmail email address aids in identifying the connection from a list.

Authorization Type

OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code

The value in this field is fixed.

Base URL


The value in this field is the Cloud ID for your Jira account, which is the Tenant ID parameter in the Base URL field.

Client ID


Client Secret



  • offline_access

  • read:jira-work

  • manage:jira-project

  • read:jira-user

  • write:jira-work

Authorization URL


You must register your callback URL when creating a Jira account. As a result, these credentials only work in staging environments.

Authorization URL Query Parameters

Parameter 1:

  • Key: audience

  • Value: api.atlassian.com

Parameter 2:

  • Key: prompt

  • Value: consent

Token Exchange URL


Token Refresh URL


Access Token Expired Code


Test HTTP Connection

Request Method


Request Path


Microsoft Teams

Step Field Example Value Notes

Connect to your HTTP Account

Connection Display Name

My Microsoft Teams connection

Including the Microsoft Teams instance name aids in identifying the connection from a list.

Authorization Type

OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code

The value in this field is fixed.

Base URL


Client ID


Client Secret



  • https://graph.microsoft.com/Mail.Read

  • https://graph.microsoft.com/User.Read

  • offline_access

Authorization URL


Tenant ID value: https://login.microsoftonline.com/9d7ee99b-dadd-4dfa-9bba-323e2f1f63b3/oauth2/v2.0/authorize

Token Exchange URL


Token Refresh URL


Access Token Expired Code


Test HTTP Connection

Request Method


Request Path


Outlook 365

Step Field Example Value Notes

Connect to your HTTP Account

Connection Display Name

My Outlook 365 connection

Including the Outlook instance name aids in identifying the connection from a list.

Authorization Type

OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code

The value in this field is fixed.

Base URL


Client ID


Client Secret



  • https://graph.microsoft.com/Mail.Read

  • https://graph.microsoft.com/User.Read

  • offline_access

Authorization URL


Token Exchange URL


Token Refresh URL


Access Token Expired Code


Test HTTP Connection

Request Method


Request Path




Procore (Production Environment)

Step Field Example Value Notes

Connect to your HTTP Account

Connection Display Name

Procore Demo Org

Authorization Type

OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code

The value in this field is fixed.

Base URL


Client ID


Client Secret


Authorization URL


Token Exchange URL


Token Refresh URL


Token Revoke URL


Access Token Expired Code


Test HTTP Connection

Request Method


Request Path


Procore (Sandbox Environment)

Step Field Example Value Notes

Connect to your HTTP Account

Connection Display Name

Procore Sandbox Demo Org

Authorization Type

OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code

The value in this field is fixed.

Base URL


Client ID


Client Secret


Authorization URL


Token Exchange URL


Token Refresh URL


Token Revoke URL


Access Token Expired Code


Test HTTP Connection

Request Method


Request Path



Add the Accept: application/json HTTP header to your requests since QuickBooks returns HTML by default.
Step Field Example Value Notes

Connect to your HTTP Account

Connection Display Name

My QuickBooks connection

Authorization Type

OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code

The value in this field is fixed.

Base URL


In your QuickBooks account, check for the realm ID or company ID. For example: 4620816365253449610.

Client ID


Client Secret




For more information about scopes, check your QuickBooks account. When you create your QuickBooks account, you have two scopes depending on the URLs you need to use.

Authorization URL


You must register your callback URL in your QuickBooks account in your application configuration. QuickBooks allows you to register multiple callback URLs, so you can create one application for all your environments.

Token Exchange URL


Token Exchange Headers

Parameter 1:

  • Key

  • Value

Token Refresh URL


Token Refresh Headers

Parameter 1:

  • Key

  • Value

Token Revoke URL


Token Revoke Headers

Parameter 1:

  • Key

  • Value

Access Token Expired Code


Test HTTP Connection

Request Method


Request Path



Step Field Example Value Notes

Connect to your HTTP Account

Connection Display Name

My Salesforce Acme connection

Including the Salesforce instance name in this field aids in identifying the connection from a list.

Authorization Type

OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code

The value in this field is fixed.

Base URL


Client ID


The value in this field is the Salesforce Connected App Client ID.

Client Secret


The value in this field is the Salesforce Connected App Secret.


full refresh_token

Authorization URL


Authorization URL Query Parameters

  • Key: prompt

  • Value: login consent

Token Exchange URL


Token Refresh URL


Token Revoke URL


Access Token Expired Code


Test HTTP Connection

Request Method


Request Path


For more information, see the Salesforce REST API Developer GuideLeaving the Site documentation.


Step Field Example Value Notes

Connect to your HTTP Account

Connection Display Name

Shopify at my.account@example.com (QA)

For more information, see the Shopify Partner ProgramLeaving the Site.

Authorization Type

OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code

The value in this field is fixed.

Base URL


Client ID


Client Secret



  • write_customers

  • write_orders

  • write_products

Authorization Headers

  • Authorization Header Name: X-Shopify-Access-Token

  • Authorization Header Value Prefix: Bearer Prefix

  • Authorization Header Custom Value Prefix: None

Token Exchange URL


Access Token Expired Code


Test HTTP Connection

Request Method


Request Path



Step Field Example Value Notes

Connect to your HTTP Account

Connection Display Name

My Slack inspiration workspace connection

Including the Slack workspace name aids in identifying the connection from a list.

Authorization Type

OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code

The value in this field is fixed.

Base URL


Client ID


The value in this field is the Slack App Client ID.

Client Secret


The value in this field is the Slack App Secret.



Authorization URL


Token Exchange URL


Token Refresh URL

Leave the value in this field blank.

Token Revoke URL


Access Token Expired Code


Test HTTP Connection

Request Method


Request Path



Step Field Example Value Notes

Connect to your HTTP Account

Connection Display Name

Xero Demo Company (US) connection

Authorization Type

OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code

The value in this field is fixed.

Base URL


Client ID


Client Secret



  • offline_access

    • openid

    • profile

    • email

  • accounting.transactions

  • accounting.attachments

  • accounting.reports.read

  • accounting.settings

  • accounting.contacts

  • accounting.journals.read

For more information, see the Xero DeveloperLeaving the Site documentation.

Authorization URL


Token Exchange URL


Token Refresh URL


Token Revoke URL


Access Token Expired Code


Test HTTP Connection

Request Method


Request Path


For more information, see the Xero documentation:

Request Path Headers

  • Key: Xero-Tenant-Id

  • Value: 4268faf8-82a2-44e2-8ea2-4ec8f6ea3a26

For more information, see the following:

Configure an OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Connection

When creating an OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code connection with HTTP Connector, you must provide additional information to establish the connection.

To establish an OAuth 2.0 Connection:

  1. Open a flow or create a new flow.

  2. Select a trigger or use the scheduler.

  3. Click or create an HTTP connection for the action.

  4. In the Connect to your HTTP Account window, in the Authorization Type field, select OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code and provide values for the following fields:

    1. Authorization URL: The URL that starts the OAuth 2.0 flow.

    2. Authorization URL Query Parameters: The key-value pairs that appear after the question mark in the URL.

      Under the OAuth Authorization Code Grant type, the authorization request sends data as query parameters. Composer handles these query parameters automatically, but sometimes additional parameters are useful. For example, the Google API needs access_token=offline to emit a refresh token. Without this parameter, a connection will expire after an hour.

    3. Token Exchange URL: The URL where the authorization code can be exchanged for an access token.

      • Optionally, if you click Add Headers, provide a value for the following fields:

        • Key

        • Value

    4. Token Refresh URL (Optional): The URL where the token can be refreshed. This field is applicable only if the application marks the tokens as expired after a certain period of time.

      • Optionally, if you click Add Headers, provide a value for the following fields:

        • Key

        • Value

    5. Token Revoke URL (Optional): The URL where the token can be revoked or removed.

      • Optionally, if you click Add Headers, provide a value for the following fields:

        • Key

        • Value

  5. Click Next.
    The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Connection is configured. You can now test the connection.

Test the Connection

After you establish a connection method, you can test the connection. While Composer tests other connectors automatically in the background, you must test HTTP Connector. You can decide which page to use for the test. Testing the connection is important because you cannot edit the connection later.

To test the connection, provide a value for the following fields:

  • Request Method

  • Request Path: The value in this field is relative to the Base URL.

  • Request Headers

    • Key

    • Value

  • Request Body: This option appears when the HTTP method is POST and is the body of the request message.

Click Connect to test the connection. A message appears to indicate the connection was created successfully (indicated by a response code of 200) or that an error occurred.

Note that if the application requires a token exchange to transact data, you need to create a token for each use case. For example, in Salesforce Marketing Cloud, this is needed because the first step in Flow 1 will generate a token, which might get invalidated by a similar step in Flow 2.

HTTP Connector Fields

The following fields are applicable for HTTP Connector:

Name Type Description

Relative URL


URL for the target of the request without considering the base path.



The type of request. You must choose between Request or Paginated Request.

HTTP Method


The HTTP method for the request. The following HTTP methods are available:

  • GET: Retrieves information from the server.

  • POST: Sends information to the server.

  • PUT: Updates information in existing records on the server.

  • PATCH: Updates specific data for existing records on the server.

  • DELETE: Deletes information in existing records on the server.



Identifies the specific resource in the server that you want to access.



Allows you and the server to pass additional information with an HTTP request or response. Consists of its case-insensitive name (key) followed by a colon, and then followed by its value. If you add headers, you must provide values for the Key and Value fields.

If you specify a POST, PUT, PATCH, or DELETE method and you add a request body, you must add the Content-Type: application/json header. Check the connected API for the desired field name for the Content-Type: application/json header since some APIs require different names for this header.

If the header is Content-Type: application/json, then the minimum valid JSON ({}, "") is required as part of the request body. Note that [] is not supported at the root of the request body.

Query Parameters


Query parameters to include in the request. If you add query parameters, you must provide values for the Key and Value fields.

Example Request


An example request in JSON format. If you provide a value for this field, Composer parses the example to deduce its fields. The fields are then available for entering data to configure the request operation. To view the fields Composer deduced from the example, click Select Additional Fields. The example JSON value provided in this field must be different than the value provided in the Example Response field.

Example Response


An example response in JSON format. If you provide a value for this field, Composer parses the example JSON payload and provides data pills that match the JSON fields.

Array Path


The path to the JSON array. The value from the Array Path field is selected by default, but a different value can be selected from the dropdown. This value only appears if the value in the Action field is set to Paginated Request.

Pagination Type


The type of pagination for the request. The following Pagination Types are available:

  • Link Header: If this value is selected, provide a value in the Link Relation field.

  • Marker: If this value is selected, provide a value in the following fields:

    • Marker Parameter Name

    • Next Marker Expression

  • Next URL: If this value is selected, provide a value in the Next URL Expression field.

  • Offset: If this value is selected, provide a value in the Offset Parameter Name field.

  • Page Number: If this value is selected, provide a value in provide a value in the Page Number Parameter Name field.

Maximum Number of Pages


The maximum number of pages returned from the API in requests.


After you connect to a system and define the trigger or configure a scheduler, you define the actions that the flow performs. For example, you can copy a record between different systems, such as Workday and Salesforce. The actions you can perform depend on which system you are connected to.

This system provides the following actions:

Request in HTTP

When Request is selected in the Action field, a request in HTTP returns the fields of the response payload. A value is required for the following fields:

  • Action

  • HTTP Method

  • Path

  • Example Response

  • Optionally, if you click Add Query Parameters, provide a value for the following fields:

    • Key

    • Value

  • Optionally, if you click Add Headers, provide a value for the following fields:

    • Key

    • Value

Paginated Request in HTTP

When Paginated Request is selected in the Action field, a paginated HTTP request is initiated. A Paginated Request returns a list of items that subsequent flow steps can use in a For Each Loop. Composer automatically uses the pagination configuration to fetch data from the API. A value is required for the following fields:

  • Action

  • HTTP Method

  • Path

  • Example Response

  • Array Path

  • Pagination Type

  • Optionally, if you click Add Query Parameters, provide a value for the following fields:

    • Key

    • Value

  • Optionally, if you click Add Headers, provide a value for the following fields:

    • Key

    • Value