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Microsoft Teams Connector Reference

Microsoft Teams is a SaaS enterprise communication system used to send messages within an organization and to customers outside of the direct organization.

To send a Microsoft Teams message using MuleSoft Composer, you must have an active business, enterprise, or education Microsoft 365 license.


To connect to a system, whether it is a source of data or the target where you are sending data, you must create a connection with that system’s required credentials. You typically connect to different systems within a flow and can reuse each connection every time you need to connect.

This system requires the following credential information for its connections:

Connection Name

Enter a connection name that will help you remember the details of this connection. You can reuse connections multiple times in a single flow, and in more than one flow, and the credentials are hidden after you create the connection. Therefore, it’s helpful to provide a name that easily identifies this connection from others.

Only you can see the connection. Other users in your Composer app must create their own connections.

You must disable the admin consent workflow because Composer does not support it.


The username that you use to log in to Microsoft 365.


The password that you use to log in to Microsoft 365.


After you connect to a system and define the trigger or configure a scheduler, you define the actions that the flow performs. For example, you can copy a record between different systems, such as Workday and Salesforce. The actions you can perform depend on which system you are connected to.

This system provides the following actions:

Send message to channel

Sends a message to all users who are members of a specific Microsoft Teams channel. The following fields are required:

  • Team ID

  • Channel ID

  • Message