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Configuring Graphs in a Custom Dashboard

In Anypoint Monitoring, you can configure one or more sets of time-series data in a graph. The graph measures the changes to time-series data over time. A graph in a custom dashboard can display a metric for a resource in a given environment. For example, to configure a graph, you might select a response time or heap usage as the metric to graph for a Mule app in your Design or Sandbox environment.

Advanced configuration options allow for more fine-tuned data sets. You can also customize the X and Y axes, the look of the graph, legends, the behavior when you hover over a data point, and more.

To open a configuration page for a graph, see Configure Custom Dashboards.

General Settings for Basic and Advanced Data Queries

General tab settings include basic and advanced queries (or modes) for configuring time-series data. Both configurations share fields for the title and a short description.

Basic and Advanced Mode Settings


Title to display in the UI. Defaults to Panel Title.


Short description to display in the UI when users hover over the information (i) icon.

Other settings are specific to the setting mode (basic or advanced).

Basic Mode

In the General configuration tab, a basic query selects a single metric for a resource (a deployed application or API) in a given environment.

Basic Mode Settings

Panel Type

From the drop-down menu, select the type of panel to display for the resource — Application Panel, API Panel, or API Analytics Panel (deprecated).


The drop-down menu includes these types of metrics:

  • Inbound response metrics and averages

  • JVM metrics

  • Outbound response metrics and averages

For a list of basic metrics, see Basic Mode Metrics


The environment where your application or API is deployed.


A deployed application.

This option is available only if you selected Application Panel as your panel type.


A deployed API.

This option is available only if you selected API Panel or API Analytics Panel (deprecated) as your panel type.

Version / Instance

The Mule version or instance on which your API is deployed.

This option is available only if you selected API Panel or API Analytics Panel (deprecated) as your panel type.

After you complete your configuration, click Save Changes.

To exit the configuration and return to the dashboard, click the X.

When you create an application panel using a JVM metric, the query that supports the panel uses only the worker-id for the app. When you modify the panel at a later time, the resource fields are populated with the query content. Because some apps share a worker-id, the resource that appears in the selector might appear to be a different resource from the resource you selected originally. However, all resources share the same worker, so the query has the correct information despite the selector displaying a different resource name.

Advanced Mode

In the General configuration tab, advanced settings support one or more fine-tuned queries for your chart.

If you switch back to the basic configuration, some of the advanced configuration queries are removed.
Advanced configuration mode is on.
Advanced Mode Settings for Applications


Lists JVM and Mule app properties (such as jvm.memory and app_inbound_metric) that you can add to your chart.

This field provides matching suggestions when you type in a character. For example, jvm.c will produce a list of all values that contain those characters (such as jvm.classloading and jvm.cpu.operatingsystem).

For a list of advanced metrics, see Advanced Mode Metrics


Supports conditional logic for filtering the From data source you selected.

  • Select one or more filters tags (such as app_id, env_id, org_id, worker_id).

  • Available operators include:

    • = The value on the left matches the value on the right.

    • < The value on the left is less than the value on the right.

    • > The value on the left is greater than the value on the right.

  • You can also construct a query that contains multiple filtering expressions by using logical AND or OR operators between the expressions.


  • Where env_id = Sandbox

  • Where env_id = Sandbox AND app_id= app3

  • Where env_id = Sandbox OR env_id= Production

Grouping AND or OR conditions within parentheses is not allowed. For example, Where env_id = Sandbox AND (app_id= app3 OR app_id=app2) isn’t allowed.


Add one or more field settings to create a function that selects a field from the From data and applies an operation to it (such as the mean of the heap_total).

Group By

For grouping the data by a selected time interval (such as $_interval, 1s, 10m, 1h), filter tag (such as tag(env_id)), and fill options (such as none, null, 0, previous, linear).

Valid values and arguments:

  • time($_interval) for the automated time interval setting, or you can specify time intervals of 1m, 5m, 10m, 15m, or 1h.

  • fill() where valid values are none, null, 0, previous, linear.

  • LIMIT: Numeric value (N) used to limit the result to the first N data points (combined series and timestamp values) returned by a query.

  • SLIMIT: Numeric value (N) used to return the all data points (combined series and timestamp values) from the first N series returned by the query.

  • ORDER BY time DESC: Returns results in descending time order.

Alias By

You can create a label for your metric using a literal string (such as my string) or supported variables (for example, $tag_worker_id or $tag_env_id).

Advanced Mode Settings for APIs



For a list of advanced metrics, see Advanced Mode Metrics


Provides conditional logic for filtering the From data source you selected.

You can select one or more filter tags (such as api_id, org_id, api_version_id, method, status code). Example: Where status_code = 200.


For creating a function that selects a field (such as request_size_average,response_time_max, or response_time_sum) from the HTTP summary and applies an operation to it (such as the mean of the response_time_average). You can add one or more field settings.

Group by

For grouping the data by a selected time interval (such as $_interval, 1s, 10m, 1h), filter tag (such as tag(api_id)), and fill options (such as none, null, 0, previous, linear).

Alias by

You can create a label for your metric using a literal string (such as my string) or supported variables (for example, $tag_api_id). The alias must always begin with $tag. The syntax is $tag_yourTagName.

To use your tag as an alias, the tag must be used to group by in the query.

After you complete your configuration, click Save Changes.

To exit the configuration and return to the dashboard, click X.

Axes (X-Axis and Y-Axis Settings)

Configure the x-axis and y-axis of your graph in the Axes tab.

Y-Axis Settings

Set a vertical y-axis for the left (Left Y) or right (Right Y) side of your graph.

Y-Axis Settings


If unchecked, hides the y-axis from the graph.


The unit of measurement to use for values on the y-axis. Values include none, data types (such as short, percent (1-100)), currency settings (including Dollars $ or Real ($)), time, data, data rate, and many other types of values.


Valid values for a linear or logarithmic (log) scale for coordinates on the y-axis:

  • linear: For y-coordinates, such as 1,2,3.

  • log (base 2): For y-coordinates, such as 1,4,16.

  • log (base 10): For y-coordinates, such as 1,10,100.

  • log (base 32): For y-coordinates, such as 1,32,1024.

  • log (base 1024): For y-coordinates, such as 1,1024,1048576.


The minimum value for a y-coordinate. Defaults to auto.


The maximum value for a y-coordinate. Defaults to auto.


Override for the automatic decimal precision on y-coordinates, for example, where 2 limits a value of 10.12345 to 10.12. Defaults to auto.


A string used to label the Y axis. Defaults to "".

X-Axis Settings

X-Axis Settings


If unchecked, hides the x-axis from the graph.


Valid values:

  • Time: The default option. Indicates that x-axis data is divided into time units (for example, hours or minutes).

  • Series: Indicates that data divided by series, and the y-axis provides the value of the series data.

  • Histogram: Converts the graph into a bar chart that represents collections of data at a specified, numeric intervals (called a buckets or bins), for example, . The higher a bar in a histogram, the greater the frequency (or count) of data collected at that interval.


Visible only if Series is selected.


Visible only if Histogram is selected. Divides the range of values for a given metric into the specified number of intervals so that the histogram can display the count or frequency of data points that fall into that interval.

After you complete your configuration, you can click Save Changes. To exit the configuration and return to the dashboard, simply click the X.

Visuals (Bar, Line, Data Point Settings)

You can configure the style and look of graph to use. Bar, line, and point graphs are supported.

Singlestat example
Visual Configuration Options

Draw Modes

You can check one or more of these modes:

  • Bars: Checkbox for representing values as bar charts.

  • Lines: Checkbox for representing values as line graphs.

  • Points: Checkbox for representing values as data points.

Mode Options

Only available when the selected Draw Modes are Lines or Points.

  • Point Radius: Only available when Lines is a selected Draw Mode. On a scale of 0 (none) to 10, sets the thickness of the line that connects related data points on the graph.

  • Fill: Only available when Points is a selected Draw Mode. On a scale of 0 (none) to 10, sets the opacity of the color used below related data points on the graph.

  • Line Width: Only available when Points is a selected Draw Mode. On a scale of 0 (none) to 10, sets the thickness of the border of the fill.

  • Staircase: Checkbox for displaying adjacent points in a staircase pattern.

Hide Series

  • With Nulls Only: Checkbox for hiding any series that is filled with null values.

  • With Only Zeros: Checkbox for hiding any series that is filled with values of zero.

After you complete your configuration, you can click Save Changes. To exit the configuration and return to the dashboard, simply click the X.

Alerts (Configuration, Notifications, History)

info Availability: Advanced and Titanium tiers only

In the Alerts tab, set up alerts that trigger when JVM memory utilization is too high.

Create an Advanced Alert

  1. Navigate to the configuration screen for a graph in a custom dashboard. For guidance, see Configuring Custom Dashboards.

  2. Provide a general configuration for the graph that (at minimum) defines the metric, environment, and resource for which you want to set the advanced alert.
    For guidance, see General Settings.

  3. Navigate to the Alert configuration tab for the graph.

  4. Click Add Alert.

  5. Use Alert Config to configure the alert. See Alert Config.

  6. Configure email notifications when an advanced alert is triggered. See Notifications.

  7. Click Save Changes.

  8. Click X to exit the configuration and return to the dashboard.

Note that you can also view state history and delete alerts.

Configure an Advanced Alert

In the Alert Config section, configure the condition under which an advanced alert is triggered.

Settings for Advanced Alerts


A title for your advanced alert

Severity level

The severity level of your alert.


WHEN: For triggering an advanced alert when the metric being measured is above a specified level

Available severity levels:


May be assigned to alerts that do not require immediate attention when triggered. This severity indicates the metric should be passively monitored.


May be assigned to alerts that require prompt attention when triggered. This severity indicates an alert should be closely monitored.


May be assigned to alerts that require immediate attention when triggered. This severity indicates an alert should receive an immediate response.


Configure an email notification when an advanced alert is triggered.

Notification Settings for Advanced Alerts

Send To

Email address for each recipient of the advanced alert notification. If you add or change the email address of an alert recipient, they do not receive an email until the alert is triggered.


Message to send to the recipient.

State History

View the last fifty state changes in this section of the UI.

You can also clear the history.


To delete an advanced alert, click Delete on the menu in the Alerts tab, and then confirm your deletion.

Advanced (Legends, Thresholds, Stacking, Hovering, Time Shift Settings)

Add and configure legends, thresholds, and other features for your graph.

Legends (Advanced Setting)

In the Advanced configuration tab, configure legends for your graphs.

Advanced graph settings for a legend
Legend Options


Unchecking hides the legend. Checked by default.

As Table

Check to display the selected legend Values (such as min and max) in a table. Unchecked by default.

To the Right

Check to display the legend on the right side. Unchecked by default.


Available when To the Right is checked. Sets the minimum width (in pixels) for the legend. Leave it blank to allow for automatic width selection.

You can also display the following values in a legend:

Legend Values


Minimum of all values returned from the query


Maximum of all values returned from the query


Average of all values returned from the query


Last value returned from the query


Sum of all values returned from metric query


Overrides automatic decimal precision used in legends and tooltips

After you complete your configuration, click Save Changes.

To exit the configuration and return to the dashboard, click the X.

Stacking and Hover (Advanced Setting)

In the Advanced configuration tab, you can configure a hover tooltip to display information about a data point in a graph when you hover over the value.

Advanced graph settings, Stack and Hover
Hover Tooltip Settings


To display one or all series in the tooltip.

Sort Order

Displays data in no order (None), Decreasing, or Increasing order. Defaults to None.

Stacked Value

Available when Stack is checked. Controls the display of values in the tooltip.

Valid values are:

  • Individual: The value of the series that you hover over.

  • Cumulative: Sum of series below the stacked value plus the series you hover over.

Stacking and Null functionality displays multiple series as a group within a stack. You can also specify how to deal with null values.

Stacking and Null Settings


When checked, stacks each series, one on top of another, instead of overlaying them.


Available when Stack is checked. Displays each series of stacked values as a percentage.

Null Value

Determines how to display null values: Connected, Null, Null As Zero.

Threshold (Advanced Setting)

In the Advanced configuration tab, you can set one or more thresholds, such as a line or section to a graph, to indicate whether the data crosses a limit that you specify.

Thresholds are not available when an alert is in place on the graph. To re-enable thresholds for a chart, you must delete the alert.
Threshold settings for a graph
Threshold Settings

gt or lt

Indicates whether the limit applies to data that is greater than (gt) or less than (lt) the specified threshold value.

Threshold value

A numeric value for the threshold.

Threshold type

Identifier for the threshold (Custom, Critical, Warning, or OK).


Adds a filler color to the graph that corresponds to the specified threshold setting.


Adds a line to the graph that corresponds to the specified threshold setting.

Fill Color

Similar to Fill settings, but for custom thresholds only.

Line Color

Similar to Line settings, but for custom thresholds only.

Time Range Shift (Advanced Setting)

In the Advanced configuration tab, you can set overrides any time intervals or ranges that end users select for the custom dashboard. Such selections are global and apply to all charts in the dashboard. Overrides are useful when the selection does not make sense for a particular graph.

Time ranges are calculated backwards from the present time. For example, you might set the time range so you can view the last 2 hours of data in a graph. You can also shift the time range to calculate backwards from an earlier point in time, for example, from 1 hour ago instead of from the present time.

Time Range Shift Settings

Override Relative Time

The amount of time to show in the x-axis of the graph (for example, 2h). Information about this setting is displayed under the title of the graph unless you select Hide Time Override Info.

Add Time Shift

Amount of time before now (the current time) to end (or shift back in time) the duration set by Override Relative Time. For example, if the time right now is 10:00, and you shift the time to 1h when the Override Relative Time is 2h, end users will see the two hours of data available from 7:00 to 9:00, and the table will also display a message like this: 2 hours, ending 1 hour ago.

Hide Time Override Info

Checkbox for hiding the description of any Override Relative Time and Time Shift settings from the graph.

After you complete your configuration, you can click Save Changes. To exit the configuration and return to the dashboard, simply click the X.