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Replaying Transmissions

Transmissions can fail due to data validation, mapping, or connectivity issues. If a transmission fails after an Anypoint Partner Manager endpoint secures it, you can replay the transmission.

You can also replay transmissions that processed successfully. You might want to do this if:

  • The translated payload is missing a field.

    In this scenario, you can upload a new translation map and replay the original transmission so that it goes through the updated map.

  • The target system or partner that received the original translated payloads lost data due to a system issue and requested that it be resent.

Replaying a transmission regenerates the transmission source and reprocesses the original transmission as a new transmission. You can replay both inbound and outbound transmissions.

The following rules apply to replaying transmissions:

  • You can replay any original transmission that has a status of Failed or Delivered, except for inbound transmissions that failed AS2 security validation.

  • The maximum number of transmissions that you can replay in a single request is 100.

  • Partner Manager links replayed transmission instances to the original transmission record.

  • When a transmission is replayed, Partner Manager sets its transmission status to Replaying. Once the replay action completes, Partner Manager shows the date of the last replay.

    To check the status of a replayed transmission, refresh the Activity screen and locate the transmission.

  • Partner Manager processes the transmission payload through the active version of the message flow. Therefore, the new transmission uses the current map and endpoint configurations for resolution and routing.

    If Partner Manager doesn’t find an active message flow for the transmission or message, it returns an error.

  • Partner Manager doesn’t check for duplicate control numbers when it replays inbound transmissions.

  • Partner Manager sends acknowledgments for replayed inbound transmissions based on the partner or message flow configurations at the time of replaying.

Replay Transmissions from the Transmission List View

To replay one or more transmissions from the transmissions list view:

  1. In the sidebar, select Activity.

  2. Select Transmissions.

  3. To replay one transmission:

    1. Locate the transmission.

    2. On the transmission action menu (…​), click Replay.

  4. To replay multiple transactions:

    1. Locate and then select the transmissions.

    2. Click Replay.

Replay a Transmission from the Transmission Details View

You can replay a transmission from the transmissions details view:

  1. In the sidebar, select Activity.

  2. Select Transmissions.

  3. Locate the transmission to replay.

  4. Click the transmission to display the transmission details view.

  5. Click Replay.

View a Transmission’s Replay History

The replay history for a transmission shows the date for each replay and provides links to the replays.

To view a transmission’s replay history:

  1. In the transmissions list view, locate the transmission for which you want to see the replay history.

  2. Click the transmission to bring up the transmission details view.

  3. Click the last replayed date to see the following information about all replays of the transmission:

    • ID of the repayed transmissions

    • Replay dates

    • Replay status (a green checkmark for successful replay and a red exclamation point for a failed replay)