File Check
Use the File Check Action Step to check whether a file exists or not. You can evaluate the result using the File Check.Check Succeeded variable and use it in the later stages of the workflow.
Before the process starts, the specified Directory Path is checked against the Allowed Paths. If the Directory Path specified in the Action Step is not allowed, the workflow is cancelled and an error message displayed.
File Operation Settings
Directory path Path to the directory in which you want to search for the file. You can enter the path either as an absolute or relative path. If you enter it as a relative path, the path refers to the Base Path variable.
File Check mode Specify wether to check if the exists or if it doesn’t exist.
File exists (default) Checks whether the file exists. If it doesn’t exist, the workflow stops and displays an error message.
File not exists Checks if the file doesn’t exist. If it does, the workflow stops and displays an error message.
File Name Name of the file you are searching for.
This action step does not support using Placeholders. For additional details about path and file name settings and a list of unsupported characters, see Path / file name / invalid characters.
Inbound Variables
Directory path Path to the directory in which you want to search for the file. You can enter the path either as an absolute or relative path. If you enter it as a relative path, the path refers to the Base Path variable.
File Name Name of the file you are searching for.
Outbound Variables
Check Succeeded Specifies whether the check was successful or not (True/False).
File Name The name of the file to be found.
Directory Path The path used in the search.
Define the path to the file to be found. You can create an absolute path
or a path relative to the Base Path.
The initial
value is %STWS_BASEPATH%`
. Select an existing path
You can also
insert variables from the workflow to create the path. To do this, click
the pin and select one of the available variables.
In the File name field, enter the name of the file to be found. You can also insert the File Name using a variable from the workflow. To do this, click the pin and select one of the available variables. You then use the Check mode to define the result that is to be searched for.