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Session Based Variables

Use Session Based Variables to share variables accross all workflows that run inside the same session.

You can define session variables of the following types:

  • Alphanumeric

  • Integer

  • Floating-point

  • Boolean

  • Array

  • User account

  • Web Session ID.

Use the Set Variable and the Set Array Variable action steps to overwrite the initial variable values with new values at a later point in the Workflow.

You can include only one instance of Session Based Variables in a Workflow and it must be in the Workflow Initialization section.


Inbound Variables

This action step has no inbound variables.

Outbound Variables

All Session Based Variables are outbound variables. Variables are specified in the format Workflow Based Variables.<variableName>.

Session Based Variables show in Variable Mappings only for action steps that support that type of variable.


To create new variables:

  1. Click Add new parameter.

  2. Select the type of variable to create.

  3. Specify the variable’s name, description, and value.

  4. Click OK

To delete variables, click the Delete Variable (2%) button.