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Edit Your API Specification Project Exchange File

Anypoint Studio enables you to edit the exchange.json file of your API specification project. The exchange.json file contains metadata required by Anypoint Exchange to describe your API asset.

To edit your exchange.json file:

  1. Select it from your API specification project in your Project Explorer view:

    An arrow points to the flight-api.raml file in a package explorer
  2. Use the editor to update the values of your exchange.json file:

    A form with fields to edit exchange.json file information, including name, main file, artifact ID, group ID, asset version, and API version
1 You cannot edit the first item, Name, because this is the artifact name of your API specification asset.
2 Use the second item, Main file, to choose the main file of your API specification asset.
3 You cannot edit the third item, Artifact ID, because this is the artifact ID of your API specification asset.
4 You cannot edit the fourth item, Group ID, because this is the group ID of your API specification asset.
5 Use the fifth item, Asset Version, to update your API specification asset version.
6 Use the sixth item, API Version, to update the API version of your API specification asset.
7 Use the green plus icon to add a new dependency to your API specification asset.

Additionally, you can edit the XML of your exchange.json file by selecting the editor’s exchange.json tab:

A code window displaying a JSON file labeled exchange.json