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To Create an API Notebook

API Notebook reached its End of Life in August 2021.

This procedure shows how to create interactive tutorials and examples in JavaScript that connect to a RAML-based API in API Manager. This procedure assumes you have a public API portal for the API and the level of permission or role required for creating a Notebook. After creating the API Notebook, it is published on the Developer portal.

  1. Download the RAML code for this example, set up an API based on the code in API Manager, and create a public API portal for the API.

  2. Go to the API Version details page of the example API, click Edit Portal, and on the Add drop-down, select API Notebook.

  3. On the API Notebook, although a default client already exists for documentation purposes, create another one:

    • Hover over the greyed-out, circular widget above the code cell.

    • Click Insert API Client.

  4. In Insert an API Client, enter the API name. For example, enter T-Shirt Ordering Service in the search box, scroll to the T-Shirt Ordering Service item in the list that bears the name of your organization, and click Add.

    The API Client code appears in the code cell prefaced by a comment that looks something like this:

    // Read about the T-Shirt Ordering Service at
    API.createClient('tShirtOrderingService', '');
  5. Follow the prompt to create a new code cell:

    • Hover over the cell to display the menu icon, and select New Cell.

    • In the new code cell, type the name of the API. For example, type tShirtOrderingService in the cell.

  6. Execute the code cell:

    • Select the hamburger menu on the right of the cell.

    • Select Execute.


      The following response containing the names of your resources appears:

      function (a,b){var c=f(a||"",b||{}).replace(/^\/+/,"").split("/");return L(d.extend([],e,c),{},D)}
      !client: Object
      !config: Object
      arguments: null
      caller: null
      length: 2
      name: "g"
      orders: Object
      products: Object
      prototype: g

      You can expand !config to see the URL of the API.

  7. Add a code cell and enter the following function to post an order using the example order information in the RAML:{"size": "M","email": "","name": "Robin Pille","address1": "77 Geary St.","address2": "Apt 7","city": "San Francisco","stateOrProvince": "CA","country": "US","postalCode": "94131"})
  8. Select Execute from the cell’s hamburger menu.

    The response is:

    Object {"body": Object, "status": 200, "headers": Object}
    body: Object
    headers: Object
    status: 200
  9. Add a new code cell and type in the following code:

    var shirts = tShirtOrderingService.orders.orderId('4321');

    You can use the autocomplete choices as you type. To add a line break within the cell, press Shift + Enter.