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Enable and Disable a Public Portal

All public portals in Exchange are enabled by default. You can sign in to your portal, view assets, and share new assets. Enabled portals do not require authorization to view asset details or download a specification. If you do not want the portal to be publicly shared, you can manually disable it. You must be an Exchange administrator to enable or disable a public portal.

To determine whether your public portal is enable or disable, use the following request:

curl ""

Enable a Public Portal

To start using your organization’s public portal and sharing assets publicly, you must enable the portal.

  1. Get an access token from an Anypoint Platform user account that has the Organization Administrator permission in the root organization:

    ACCESS_TOKEN=$(curl -XPOST -d "username=YOUR_USERNAME&password=YOUR_PASSWORD" | jq -r ".access_token")
  2. Use the access token to change the status of your organization’s public portal to enabled status:

    curl -X PUT -d "enabled" -H "content-type: text/plain" -H "authorization: bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"

Disable a Public Portal

If you do not want to publicly share any information about your assets, disable your public portal.

Note: To disable your organization’s public portal, all the assets that are shared in the public portal must be set to private. See Remove an Asset from a Public Portal for instructions.

To view which assets are shared in the public portal, use the following request:

curl '' | jq '.[] | [.groupId,.assetId]'

To disable a puplic portal:

  1. Ensure that all assets are private.

  2. Get an access token from an Anypoint Platform user account that has the Organization Administrator permission in the root organization:

    ACCESS_TOKEN=$(curl -XPOST -d "username=YOUR_USERNAME&password=YOUR_PASSWORD" | jq -r ".access_token")
  3. Use the following access token to change the status of your organization’s public portal to enabled:

    curl -X PUT -d "disabled" -H "content-type: text/plain" -H "authorization: bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"