helm -n <namespace> upgrade \ <release-name> <helm-repository-name>/<helm-chart-name> \ --reuse-values \ --set replicaCount=<number of replicas>
Autoscale and Add Flex Gateway Replicas to a Namespace
For high availability (HA) environments, horizontal scaling distributes load across multiple Flex Gateway instances. By default, the Helm chart for Flex Gateway is configured with one replica. To release more Flex Gateway replicas into a namespace, provide one of the following configurations:
Set a replica count: Set a fixed number of Flex Gateway replicas to create.
Configure autoscaling: Generate replicas automatically based on CPU, memory, and other settings.
Find the default Helm chart settings for Flex Gateway (flex-gateway) through one of the following methods:
Open the flex-gateway page in ArtifactHUB
helm show values <helm-repository-name>/<helm-chart-name>
from a terminal window, for example,helm show values flex-gateway/flex-gateway
Before You Begin
Ensure that the following prerequisites are in place:
A Flex Gateway deployment or a registered Flex Gateway instance (gateway)
For gateway registration and deployment processes, see Setting Up Self-Managed Flex Gateway or Getting Started with Self-Managed Flex Gateway in a Kubernetes Cluster.
A Kubernetes cluster for your Flex Gateway deployment
Set a Replica Count
Configure and verify the number of replicas that you require. Note that new replicas replace existing replicas. If a newer version of Flex Gateway is available, the command replaces your older replica versions with the latest version.
The steps to take depend on whether a Helm chart is installed.
If a Helm chart for your namespace is installed, run the following command:
Syntax:Example:helm -n gateway upgrade \ ingress flex-gateway/flex-gateway \ --reuse-values \ --set replicaCount=2
helmWhen successful, the command prints output similar to this example:
Release "ingress" has been upgraded. Happy Helming! NAME: ingress LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Apr 17 15:00:09 2023 NAMESPACE: gateway STATUS: deployed REVISION: 27 TEST SUITE: None
If the Helm chart is not installed, run the following command:
Syntax:helm -n <namespace> \ upgrade -i --create-namespace \ <release-name> <helm-repository-name>/<helm-chart-name> \ --set-file registration.content=<registration file> \ --set replicaCount=<number of replicas>
Example:helm -n gateway \ upgrade -i --create-namespace \ ingress flex-gateway/flex-gateway \ --set-file registration.content=registration.yaml \ --set replicaCount=2
helmWhen successful, the command prints output similar to this example:
Release "ingress" does not exist. Installing it now. NAME: ingress LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Apr 17 15:32:50 2023 NAMESPACE: gateway STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None
Verify creation of the replicas by running the following command:
Syntax:kubectl get rs -n <namespace>
Example:kubectl get rs -n gateway
When successful, the command prints output similar to this example:
NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE ingress-5b7474b8f6 2 2 2 70s
Configure Autoscaling
Horizontal Pod autoscaling generates Flex Gateway replicas automatically based on CPU, memory, and other target and behavioral settings. For descriptions of these settings, see Autoscaling Parameters.
Update Your Helm Chart with an Autoscaling Configuration
To update your Helm chart with autoscaling parameters:
Create a YAML file with your autoscaling configuration, modifying the settings to meet your requirements.
Example:autoscaling: enabled: true
yamlThis configuration file is the minimum autoscaling configuration. To configure autoscaling with more detail, see Autoscaling Parameters. -
If a Helm chart for your namespace is installed, run the following command to apply your autoscaling configuration:
Syntax:helm -n <namespace> upgrade \ <release-name> <helm-repository-name>/<helm-chart-name> \ --reuse-values \ -f <your-autoscaling-configuration-yaml>
Example:helm -n gateway upgrade \ ingress flex-gateway/flex-gateway \ --reuse-values \ -f autoscaling.yaml
helmWhen successful, the command prints output similar to this example:
Release "ingress" has been upgraded. Happy Helming! NAME: ingress LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Apr 18 15:46:38 2023 NAMESPACE: gateway STATUS: deployed REVISION: 33 TEST SUITE: None
If the Helm chart is not installed, run the following command to apply the your autoscaling configuration:
Syntax:helm -n <namespace> \ upgrade -i --create-namespace \ <release-name> <helm-repository-name>/<helm-chart-name> \ --set-file registration.content=<registration file> \ -f <your-autoscaling-configuration-yaml>
Example:helm -n gateway \ upgrade -i --create-namespace \ ingress flex-gateway/flex-gateway \ --set-file registration.content=registration.yaml \ -f autoscaling.yaml
helmWhen successful, the command prints output similar to this example:
NAME: ingress LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Apr 18 15:50:29 2023 NAMESPACE: gateway STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None
Verify your autoscaling configuration by running the following command:
Syntax:kubectl get hpa -n <namespace>
kubectlExample:kubectl get hpa -n gateway
kubectlThe command prints output similar to this example:
NAME REFERENCE TARGETS MINPODS MAXPODS REPLICAS AGE ingress Deployment/ingress 66%/50%, 5%/50% 2 11 2 59s
Autoscaling Parameters
To use autoscaling, enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA), and configure other Helm chart settings to define autoscaling behavior.
Parameter | Description |
Boolean that indicates whether the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) is enabled. Defaults to |
The minimum number of replicas that the HPA scaler is allowed to create. Defaults to |
The maximum number of replicas that the HPA scaler is allowed to create. Defaults to |
A resource metric that sets the average CPU usage percentage of all deployed Pods. Defaults to |
A string representing the average memory usage percentage of all deployed Pods. Defaults to |
A setting that supports the |
Settings for autoscaling behavior when the HPA scaler increases (
For more information about autoscaling, see the Kubernetes documentation.