Deploying AS2, HTTP, and HTTPS Receive Endpoints
You can deploy AS2 receive, HTTP receive, and HTTPS receive endpoints on a public or private port.
Deploy to CloudHub on a Public Port
When an AS2, HTTP, or HTTPS receive endpoint is deployed to CloudHub with the public port configuration enabled, the endpoint application is deployed on the public HTTPS port (8082
), with the traffic routed through the shared load balancer. The value in the URL field is automatically generated when you deploy a message flow that uses this endpoint.
You can view the runtime application name and external URL for a deployed endpoint from the endpoint details page. For example:

You can share the external URL with the partners that send AS2, HTTP, or HTTPS messages to this endpoint.
If your organization uses Anypoint Virtual Private Cloud without a dedicated load balancer (DLB), your organization’s platform administrator can configure the necessary Anypoint VPC firewall rules to allow specific partner or third-party connection IP addresses to access the endpoint.
Deploy to CloudHub on a Private Port
To deploy an AS2, HTTP, or HTTPS receive endpoint to CloudHub with the private port configuration enabled, do either of the following:
Deploy a message flow that includes the receive endpoint.
Set CloudHub to automatically deploy newly created endpoints to a private port, as described in Configuring CloudHub Deployment Settings.
Endpoints with the private port configuration enabled are deployed to the private HTTPS port 8092
. You can view the runtime application name, internal URL, and external URL for a deployed endpoint from the endpoint details page, which you can access from the <*host*> page (AS2 endpoints) or partner page (HTTP or HTTPS endpoints), or from a message flow.
Once an endpoint is deployed, follow these steps:
Configure URL mapping rules to forward the messages received from your partners to an application, as described in the following sections and in Dedicated Load Balancer Mapping Rules.
Have your organization’s platform administrator add your partner’s IP addresses to a list of allowed addresses in the DLB setting, as described in Dedicated Load Balancer Allowlists.
Deploy to Runtime Fabric
When you deploy message flows to Anypoint Runtime Fabric, Partner Manager uses Anypoint MQ queues between processing stages to add additional reliability to B2B message processing.
External URLs and Mapping Rules for Deployed Receive Endpoints
The external URLS for receive endpoints deployed to public or private ports vary depending on the endpoint type, DLB domain, and input start_paths. You can share external URLs with your partners.
External URL and Mapping Rules for an AS2 Receive Endpoint
The external URL for an AS2 receive endpoint is https://{DLB-domain}/{Input-path}/receive-as2
For example, if the name of your DLB domain is mythical.lb.anypointdns.net
and the runtime application name is b2b-inbound-as2-zap3
, your administrator can add a URL mapping rule in the DLB settings to forward incoming requests to the runtime application within your Anypoint VPC:

With this configuration, the external AS2 endpoint URL is https://mythical.lb.anypointdns.net/as2/mythical/receive-as2/
External URL and Mapping Rule for an HTTPS Receive Endpoint
The external URL for an HTTPS endpoint is https://{DLB-domain}/{Input-path}/{base-path}/{message-type}
For example, if the name of your DLB domain is mythical.lb.anypointdns.net
, the base path you configured for the endpoint is send2
, and the runtime application name is b2b-inbound-http-ognq
, then your administrator can add a URL mapping rule in the DLB settings to forward incoming requests to the runtime application within your Anypoint VPC. For example: