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Filename Patterns for Send Endpoints

Using property placeholders, Partner Manager enables you to configure a template that specifies properties and their order in the filename patterns for files delivered to SFTP and AS2 send endpoints.

When filename pattern fields are configured with property placeholders (specified within ${ }), Partner Manager dynamically populates the filename with updated information at runtime. Any filename property field that is not specified within the placeholder is static and is not updated at runtime.

The following table shows the property placeholders that Partner Manager supports and the dynamic value the placeholder is replaced with at runtime. All dates and times must be in UTC format.

Placeholder Replaced with


EDI Document Type


Group ID of the Sender


Group ID of the Receiver


Interchange ID of the Sender


Interchange ID of the Receiver


Unique Identifier: for example: 93de0793-63e1-5a06-aedf-fcd052ed2155


Year: for example, 2021


Month: for example, 04


Date: for example, 14


Hour: for example, 15


Minute: for example, 25


Seconds: for example, 46


Milliseconds: for example, 345


Current time in milliseconds: for example, 1648805073834


Interchange Control Number


Group Control Number


Primary Business Key value: for example, PO12345


File format:

  • edifact

  • json

  • x12

  • xml


Filename Pattern Generated Filename









