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Modifying Partner Settings

You can modify a partner’s settings including contact details, identifiers, digital certificates, acknowledgments, control numbers, and more.

To modify a partner’s settings:

  1. In Partner Manager, select Partners in the sidebar.

  2. Click the partner.

  3. Change any of the following settings:

    Settings Actions Additional Information

    Partner information, including a partner’s address, website, and contact details

    • Modify partner information

      Click Edit in the About section, click the contact type, and make the desired modifications.

    • Delete a contact

      Click Edit in the About section, click the contact type, and click the Delete contact link.


    • Add a new identifier

      Click New in the Identifiers section and enter the required fields.

    • Delete an identifier

      Select the identifier and click Delete.

      Because a partner must have at least one identifier, you can’t delete the last one.

    Sender and Receiver Identifiers

    The partner’s digital certificates, such as X.509 certificates

    Click New in the Certificates section.

    Managing Partner and Third-Party Connection Certificates


    • Create a new endpoint

      Click New in the Endpoints section and enter the required fields.

    • Delete an endpoint

      Click the endpoint’s link and click Delete.

    Creating Endpoints

    Acknowledgements, validations, control numbers, character sets (X12 only), and separators (X12 send format only).

    • Modify

      Click the appropriate link in the Validation and acknowledgement settings section, and make the desired modifications.

    Character encoding override option for received AS2 messages.

    • Modify

      Click AS2 in Global endpoint settings.

    AS2 Receive Character Encoding Override Settings