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Component Authorization Using Spring Security

Learn how to configure authorization using Spring Security features on your Mule components, so that users with different roles can only invoke certain methods.

Configure Spring Security Authentication Manager

The Spring Security interface Authentication Manager is responsible for passing requests through a chain of Authentication Provider objects. To secure calls to flow components, you must add the configured authenticationManager to the application context.

The following example defines roles with different levels of access to protected processors:

  <ss:authentication-manager alias="authenticationManager">
      <ss:user-service id="userService">
        <ss:user name="admin" password="admin" authorities="ROLE_ADMIN" />
        <ss:user name="joe" password="secret" authorities="ROLE_ADMIN" />
        <ss:user name="anon" password="anon" authorities="ROLE_ANON" />
        <ss:user name="user" password="password" authorities="ROLE_ANON" />
        <ss:user name="ross" password="ross" authorities="ROLE_ANON" />
        <ss:user name="marie" password="marie" authorities="ROLE_ANON" />

The following example references the previously defined authenticationManager to allow only users with ROLE_ADMIN roles in the requiredAuthorities field to access the operation:

		<spring:delegate-security-provider name="memory-provider" delegate-ref="authenticationManager" />

	<flow name="protectedFlow">
		<http:listener doc:name="Listener" config-ref="HTTP_Listener_config" path="/" />
		<http:basic-security-filter doc:name="Basic security filter" realm="mule" />
		<spring:authorization-filter requiredAuthorities="ROLE_ADMIN" />

		<ee:transform doc:name="Transform Message">
				<ee:set-payload><![CDATA[%dw 2.0
				output application/json
					"status": "ok"

Configure Secure Components in Asynchronous Systems

Spring Security is useful for asynchronous systems because to set the authentication on more than one thread you have to add a security property to the security provider. In the following example, the value MODE_GLOBAL is the security property added:

        <mule-ss:delegate-security-provider name="memory-dao" delegate-ref="authenticationManager">
            <mule-ss:security-property name="securityMode" value="MODE_GLOBAL"/>