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Configure Property Placeholders

Instead of using static values for your Mule application configurations, such as connections, you can create a .yaml or a .properties file to contain your properties and then reference the properties from your application.

Configuring a properties file improves the organization and maintainability of your applications.

In a .yaml file, the properties take this form:

  path: "/service"
  port: "10000"
  host: "my-api.cloudhub.io"

In a .properties file, the properties take this form:


Create and Configure your Properties File

  1. In Studio, go to the Package Explorer view and right-click the /src/main/resources folder in your project.

  2. Select New > File:


  3. Choose a name for your file and set the extension to .yaml, or .properties if you prefer to use this format.

  4. Edit the file to define the properties and values you need.

  5. Add the properties file to your Mule application.

    • From Studio:

      1. Open the Global Elements tab, and click the Create button.

      2. Search for the element called Configuration Properties and click OK.

      3. Click on the …​ button and navigate to your .yaml or .properties file.

    • From the XML Editor:

      1. Include a <configuration-properties> element inside <mule>, and set its file parameter with your properties file name. For example:

            doc:name="Configuration properties"
            doc:id="872422be-3571-4a52-a383-a2b0e16859d7" />`

Use the Properties in your Application

Once you have configured your properties file and added it to your project, you can reference its attributes by using a syntax like this: ${propertyContainer.propertyName}.

Based on the examples configured in the previous section, to use the path and port values the syntax is ${http.path} and ${http.port} respectively.

For example, you can configure your Global HTTP Request configuration to use the values defined in the properties file.

  • From Studio:

  • From the XML Editor

      doc:name="HTTP Request
      configuration" doc:id="7120494c-0540-4ad1-a118-f5b6db3f1456"
      basePath="${http.path}" >
          port="${http.port}" />