Deploy Mule Applications
All Mule applications are deployed to a Mule runtime engine instance. MuleSoft supports three different deployment targets: CloudHub, Anypoint Runtime Fabric, and on-premises Mule instances.
When you deploy applications to CloudHub or to Anypoint Runtime Fabric, these services take care of the Mule runtime engine instances needed to run applications.
If you deploy applications on-premises, the installation of Mule runtime engine is required.
See On-Premises Deployment Model for more information about characteristics specific to on-premises deployments.
In addition, the tools available to deploy applications to each of the deployment targets differ:
Deployment Target | Available Deployment Tools | Mule Runtime Engine Installation |
Anypoint Runtime Fabric |
On-premises |
After End of Extended Support for Mule runtime 4.3, Mule applications deployed to CloudHub or CloudHub 2.0 environments are stopped. |