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This action step takes a screenshot and saves it to the trace folder. You can use this screenshot to get feedback on what is happening at any point in a Workflow, which is specially helpful for debugging Workflows running on distant machines.


  • Capture Area

    • Height

      The height of the screenshot. Set Height and Width to 0 to capture the whole screen.

    • Image Type

      Determines if the screenshots will be saved as compressed JPG files or uncompressed BMP files or loss-free compressed PNG files.

    • Shrink to [%]

      Size in % to which the image shall be reduced to. This value refers to the length and the width of the image and not to its area or file size. You can enter any integer between 10 and 100. The default value is 50% for newly created Workflows and 100% for Workflows created with an older version of RPA Builder.

    • Width

      The width of the screenshot. Set Height and Width to 0 to capture the whole screen.

    • X Coordinate/Offset

      Defines the x-coordinate (horizontal axis) of the screenshot. If Capture relative to is set to anything other than None, this defines the horizontal offset from the relative coordinates.

    • Y Coordinate/Offset

      Defines the y-coordinate (vertical axis) of the screenshot. If Capture relative to is set to anything other than None, this defines the vertical offset from the relative coordinates.

  • Custom Folder Settings

    • Filename

      Defines which name the saved screenshot file should have. Leave empty for automatic name generation.

    • Path

      Where the screenshot is saved to.

    • Use Custom Settings

      Specifies whether to save the screenshot in a custom folder with a custom name. If not selected, screenshots will be saved within the usual trace folder (and will subsequently be part of analysis packages).


  • Define Screenshot Area

    It is possible to restrict the screenshot to a certain part of the screen. This area is captured in the same way as described in the section Add pattern from screen capture (Capture Pattern).

  • Set to full screen

    Captures the entire screen.

  • Image Size [%]

    Size in percent, to which the image shall be reduced to. In the Wizard you can set this value in steps of 10 with the help of the slider. In the Properties you can enter any integer between 10 and 100.

    The percentage given refers to the length and the width of the image and not to the image’s file size or its area. For example if you set the reduction to Shrink To 50%, the area of the image is reduced to 25%.

    The default value for newly created Workflows is set to 50%.

  • Capture relative to

    Takes a screenshot relative to a previous Image Search result.