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Select Case

The Select Case action step makes it possible to match the contents of a variable against certain predefined cases. For example, you can search the content of a text variable for specific information and specify different action steps to be executed depending on what is found. The “DoElse” component is always present. This is used to provide a default action for cases that have not been specified.



  • CaseValue Enter the comparison value for the selected case query. This is the value that will be compared with a variable or that will be searched for.

  • Text Affinity Value for the textual similarity in a fuzzy search, expressed as a percentage. A value of 0% denotes no similarity while a value of 100% means identical. The default value is 50%.

  • CompareValue String

  • Compare Value Int Integer

  • Compare Value Bool

  • Compare Value Float

Other properties that are the same in all action steps are described in section Common Properties. For reasons of clarity they are not shown here.


  • Type One of the following variable types:

    • Integer Positive or negative integer

    • Alphanumeric Characters that are either letters or numeric digits, or both (text)

    • Boolean Boolean value (True/False)

    • Float Positive or negative floating-point number

If you have already defined cases and then change the type, a warning will be shown informing you that all the cases in Select Case will be lost. This is because cases in a Select Case are generated based on the previously selected data type and it is not possible to simply convert the type of existing cases without further consideration.

  • Cases You can create one or more cases depending on which data type you have selected above. After you have created a case, you can modify it.

Data Types and Comparison Options

File type Comparison options

Integer (positive or negative whole number)

≠ variable must not be a match

< variable must be less than Value

> variable must be greater than Value

≤ variable must be less than or equal to Value

≥ variable must be greater than or equal to Value

Alphanumeric (text)

Full match: Value found must match exactly

Substring: Part of the text in Value must match

Regex comparison: Search for matches for the regular expression entered as the Value. More information about Regular Expressions is provided in the section on Using Regular Expressions.

Fuzzy: Search for text similar to that in Value Adjust the level of similarity, expressed as a percentage, using the slider under “Text Affinity”. The default value is 50%. A higher value means that fewer matches will be found.

Boolean (True or False)

For Boolean there is only one case because this is sufficient in combination with “DoElse” to cover the two possibilities of True and False.

False: Value in evaluated variable must be False.

True: Value in evaluate variable must be True.

Float (positive or negative floating-point number)

≠ variable must not be a match

< variable must be less than Value

> variable must be greater than Value

≤ variable must be less than or equal to Value

≥ variable must be greater than or equal to Value