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Combine Strings

Use Combine Strings to combine multiple variables into a single new variable. This action step supports Script variables, environment variables, and Pin variables. You can insert text before, after, and between variables.

Link the Pin variables to use with this action step before opening the wizard. Combine Strings supports a maximum of 5 Pin variables.

To define a single text value as a variable, use the Set Variable action step instead.


Pattern Text: Defines the sequence in which variables and texts are concatenated.

Inbound Variables

Pattern: Defines the sequence in which variables and texts are concatenated.

Outbound Variables

Combined String: The combined strings stated as a single string, as defined in Pattern Text.

Reserved values

Because Pin variables use the syntax {<number>}, Combine String replaces values such as {1} and {2} with the corresponding Pin variable or an empty value if there are no variables configured in these slots.

To use a string that contains {1} or other reserved value as part of the text, define a variable containing the string and then reference it in the pattern.

For example, consider the following Pin variables:

  • {1}: Workflow Based Variables.constantString, with value Value {1} is:

  • {2}: Workflow Based Variables.variableNumber, with a numeric value defined at runtime. For this example, assume the value is 123456.

By setting the pattern text to: {1} {2}, the combined string result is Value {1} is: 123456.


The wizard contains the editable Pattern text field, drop-down lists of script and environment variables, and links to the Pin variables.

Clicking the name of a variable from the list adds a reference to the variable in the text field. You can also enter custom text into the Pattern field.

Clicking variable names in the Insert Available Variables section of the Wizard inserts variables into the pattern using the following syntax depending on the type of variable:

  • Pin variables: {[number in the list of all Pin variables]}. Example: {1}.

  • Environment variables: %[name of variables]%. Example: %SYSTEM%.

  • Script variables: ($[name of variables]). Example: $myVariable.

The Pin variable Combined String contains the result in the form of a single string.


The macro {1} is bound to variable ActivityParameters.ap_alpha1 and macro {2} is bound to variable ActivityParameters.ap_alpha2. The following table represents the values of both variables and how they translate to a new variable using different pattern texts:

ActivityParameters.ap_alpha1 ActivityParameters.ap_alpha2 Pattern Text Output Variable (Combined String)









Dear {1}. {2},

Dear Ms. Miller,



Dear {1}. {2},

Dear Mr. Johnson,







{2}{1} - {1}{2}

IpsumLorem - LoremIpsum

See Also