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Upload to Google Drive

Upload files to your Google Drive.

You can specify a target folder from your Google Workspace for the upload.

Before You Begin

Before uploading a file:

  • Configure your Google API Service Account Credentials.

    You can configure your credentials as an Activity Parameter or inline in the action step wizard.

Configure Your Authentication Settings

Configure your authentication settings for the Google API service account in the Authentication Settings panel. Select Pin credentials to specify the activity parameter containing the credentials, or select Use custom settings to provide the information inline. You can either import a JSON file with your Google API credentials information or specify the authentication information manually.

Configure File Upload Settings

To configure file upload settings in the wizard:

  1. Specify the directory path and the name of the file to upload.

  2. Provide a Google Drive Folder ID to upload the file into this folder.

    If you don’t provide this value, this action step uploads the file to the root folder of your Google Drive.


  • Authentication Settings

    • Auth Provider x509 Cert URL

      Authentication provider certificate URL for the Google API credentials.

    • Auth URI

      OAuth2 authentication URI for the Google API credentials.

    • Client Email

      Client email of the Google API credentials.

    • Client ID

      Client ID of the Google API credentials.

    • Client x509 Cert URL

      Client certificate URL for the Google API credentials.

    • Credential Type

      Type of Google API credentials. For example, service_account.

    • Google API Service Account Credentials

      Activity parameter containing all Google API credentials.

    • Project ID

      Project ID of the Google API credentials.

    • Token URI

      OAuth2 token URI for the Google API credentials.

    • Universe Domain

      Universe domain of the Google API credentials.

  • Common

  • File Operation Settings

    • Directory path

      Path to the directory where the file to upload is

      You can specify an absolute path or a path relative to the Base Path.

    • File name

      Name of the file to upload

    • Google Drive Folder ID

      ID of the destination Google Drive folder where to upload the file

      To get the folder ID, use the Search in Google Drive action step to find the folder. You can also go to the Google Drive folder and extract the ID (the value after folder/) from the URL. If you don’t specify a folder ID, this action step uploads the file to the root folder.

Inbound Variables

  • Directory path

  • File name

  • Google Drive Folder ID

  • Credential Type

  • Project ID

  • Private Key ID

  • Private Key

  • Token URI

  • Auth Provider x509 Cert URL

  • Auth URI

  • Client Email

  • Client ID

  • Client x509 Cert URL

  • Universe Domain

  • Google API Service Account Credentials

Outbound Variables

  • Upload successful

    Boolean indicating whether the upload was successful

  • File ID in Google Drive

    Returns the Google Drive file ID of the uploaded file