Assembling Dashboards
Arrange important widgets on a dashboard.
Before You Begin
Ask an organization administrator in Access Management to assign you the required permissions:
Action RPA Permission Deprecated RPA Permission Open the Dashboard module.
RPA Operations Viewer, RPA Operations Manager, RPA Administrator
Dashboard Open
Manage dashboards.
RPA Operations Manager, RPA Administrator
Dashboard Administration
Create a Dashboard
Create a dashboard that shows you the progress of your automation management within a defined time period on one page.
In the Private Dashboards view of the Dashboard module, click Create.
Complete the form Create a Private Dashboard and click OK.
In your new dashboard, click Add Widget and select one from the Dropdown.
Repeat the previous step until you added all necessary widgets.
Arrange the widgets by dragging and dropping them onto the dashboard.
Configure widgets by clicking on the Configure icon.
Click on the time frame string in the header of the page to adjust the time interval of the retrieved data.
Click Save