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Current Bot Status

In the Current Bot Status widget, you can see at a glance which of your bots are ready for use.

Data Representation

The numbers of Bots in each case are links displayed together with a graphical representation of the ratio of those Bots ready for use compared to those not ready.

The length of the green line labeled with Ready corresponds to the number that are ready for use; the length of the red line labeled with Not Ready corresponds to the number not ready.


This widget cannot be configured.


Click on a number to obtain a list of all Bots or only those Bots with a specific status.

Data Representation of the Current Bot Status

The Bots are displayed in a list.

Columns of the Current Bot Status List



The Bot is ready for use.


The Bot is not ready for use because it has been stopped.

No License

The Bot is not ready for use because it is not licensed.


Name of the bot.

Click on the name of the bot to get to its detailed view.


Shows if a process configuration has been deployed to the bot.