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Analysis Packages

The Analysis Packages widget displays the number of analysis packages of all RPA Bots collected during the analysis interval.

Analysis packages contain data on the sequence of execution of an individual process element of type Activity.

Analysis packages are normally only created in the event of errors.

Bots, for which the option Analysis Package on OK is activated in the RPA Bot Configurator, create an analysis package for each process element during each run.

Data Representation

The number of analysis packages is a link.


This widget cannot be configured.

Use the sorting and filter options of the Analysis Packages list to highlight the information that is relevant for you.


Click on the number of all collected analysis packages to obtain a list of all analysis packages listed individually.

Data Representation of the Analysis Packages

The analysis packages are displayed in a list.

Columns of the Analysis Packages List


Name of the process.


Name of the RPA Bot that carried out configuration of the Process.


Name of the Configuration in which the process was executed.


Category to which the Process belongs.


Type of workflow to which the analysis package belongs.


Activity workflow.

Run Type

Type of process execution.


The process was executed during the test phase.


The process was executed in production phase.

Start Time

Time stamp of the start of execution of the activity.

End Time

Time stamp of the end of execution of the activity.


Duration of execution of the activity.


Result of the process execution.


The trigger workflow was executed successfully but there was no task pending.


The activity workflow was executed successfully.

Execution Failure

An error occurred during execution of a workflow.


If an analysis package was created, you can download it by clicking on the icon Download.