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Approving a Process for Automation

This topic is affected by the Anypoint Platform integration.

You approve an evaluated process candidate to refer it to a project manager or a center of excellence for automation.

Before You Begin

  • Ask an organization administrator in Access Management to assign you the required permissions:

    Action RPA Permission Deprecated RPA Permission

    Refer a process for automation to a center of excellence.

    RPA Evaluations Manager

    Process Evaluation Approval to a CoE

    Refer a process for automation directly to a project manager.

    RPA Evaluations Manager

    Process Evaluation Approval to a Project Manager

  • You can only approve evaluated process candidates.

  • You can only refer processes to users assigned the Project Management privilege or user groups assigned as Center of Excellence.

    If you use an Anypoint account to login to RPA Manager, user groups are replaced by teams and the Center of Excellence flag is deprecated. Ensure that the team you refer a process to has the required RPA permissions for automating the process.

Select a Process for Approval

You can automate processes that have ratings for feasibility. Consider the benefits before automating a process. Automate simple processes first.

  1. Filter the process list in the Process Evaluation view of the Process Evaluation module to show only newly-created evaluations.

  2. View the Process Matrix. If you cannot see it, click Expand (less-than symbol in a green half-circle).

  3. Hover over the dots to see the names of the corresponding processes.

  4. Click one of the toggle-dots in the upper right half of the matrix to select it and to display only the corresponding processes.

Approve a Process

Approve the selected process to refer it to a project manager or a center of excellence for automation.

After approval, the process is also displayed either in the personal backlog of the project manager (My RPA - My Backlog) or in the team backlog of the center of excellence (My RPA - Team Backlog).

  1. In the Process Evaluation view of the Process Evaluation module, click Approve in the row of the evaluation you want to approve.

  2. Choose a user or a center of excellence as Project Manager.

  3. Click OK.