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Assembling User Groups

This topic is affected by the Anypoint Platform integration.

In automation projects, several employees often work together on one task. These users can be assigned to user groups. User groups can be deployed for processing of user tasks during execution of a process. User groups marked as center of excellence may approve processes for automation.

If you use an Anypoint account to login to RPA Manager, Anypoint teams replace the RPA Manager user groups. To function as a center of excellence for approving processes for automation or to complete user tasks, the teams must have the required RPA permissions. To manage teams, refer to the Anypoint Access Management documentation.

In the User Groups view in the User Management module, you can see all existing user groups.

You can create new user groups, check their usage, edit them, and delete them.

Before You Begin

  • Ask an administrator to assign you the required privileges:

    Action Privilege

    Open the User Management module.

    User Management Open

    Create, edit, and delete user groups.

    User Group Create, User Group Edit, User Group Delete

Create a User Group

Create a new user group as defined.

  1. In the User Groups view of the User Management module, click Create.

  2. Complete the form Create a New User Group:

    • Center of excellence:

      Select the Center of Excellence checkbox to enable entry of the user group as a project manager for process approvals.

    • Available/Assigned Users:

      Click on user names to assign them to or remove them from the user group.

  3. Click Save.

Edit a User Group

Edit a user group to change its function or members.

  1. In the User Groups view of the User Management module, click Edit in the row of the user group to edit.

  2. Edit the form Edit User Group:

    • Center of excellence:

      Select the Center of Excellence checkbox to enable entry of the user group as a project manager for process approvals.

    • Available/Assigned Users:

      Click on user names to assign them to or remove them from the user group.

  3. Click Save.

Delete a User Group

Delete user groups no longer needed. Check their usage and reassign their tasks first.

  1. In the User Groups view of the User Management module, click the icon Usage in the row of the user group to delete. Proceed only, if the user group is not needed anymore.

  2. In the User Groups view of the User Management module, click Remove in the row of the user group to delete.

  3. Confirm the deletion.

Designate User Groups as Centers of Excellence

User groups marked as center of excellence may approve processes for automation. You can designate user groups as centers of excellence on creation or edit this property afterwards.

  1. In the User Groups view of the User Management module, click Edit in the row of the user group to edit.

  2. Edit the form Edit User Group:

    • Center of excellence:

      Select the Center of Excellence checkbox to enable entry of the user group as a project manager for process approvals.

  3. Click Save.