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Troubleshoot the Runtime Manager Agent

Connection issues between your on-premises Mule runtime engine and the Runtime Manager agent might cause discrepancies, such as metrics not appearing in the server monitoring dashboard in Runtime Manager.

$MULE_HOME is environment variable that specifies the location where you installed Mule. These instructions use paths for Mac or Linux. If you are using Windows, replace the $MULE_HOME path with %MULE_HOME%.

Troubleshoot Connection Issues Between the Agent and Mule

To troubleshoot connection issues:

  1. Check the JVM you are using.

    If you are using the IBM JVM, you must use a different truststore file than the default truststore installed by the Runtime Manager agent.

    See IBM JVM.

  2. Ensure you are using the latest agent version.

    1. Check the agent version.

      In the Runtime Manager navigation menu, select Servers and then click the server name. The agent version appears on the Dashboard page:

      Runtime Manager agent version on the server Dashboard page
      Figure 1. The arrow shows the Runtime Manager agent version on the server Dashboard page.
    2. Check the Runtime Manager Agent Release Notes to determine the latest agent version compatible with your Mule version.

    3. Update the agent, if necessary.

  3. Verify that the license and certificate are not expired.

    1. In the Runtime Manager navigation menu, select Servers and then click the server name. The expiration dates appear on the Dashboard page:

      Expiration dates on the server Dashboard page
      Figure 2. The arrow shows the expiration dates on the server Dashboard page.

      To view the dashboard for a server in a server group or cluster, click the server name in the details pane.

  4. Verify connectivity with all required hosts.

    1. Ensure that you allow access to required hosts and ports for Anypoint Platform services.

    2. Verify that your firewall or proxy server is not intercepting the Runtime Manager certificate.

  5. Verify that the mule-agent.yml file is not corrupted or empty.

    The mule-agent.yml file contains configuration information for the agent. If the $MULE_HOME/conf/mule-agent.yml file contains non-ASCII characters or is empty:

Collect Agent Installation Information for Support

You can use the $MULE_HOME/bin/amc_debug script to collect information used by Support to troubleshoot the Anypoint Runtime Manager agent installation issues. If following the troubleshooting steps doesn’t solve your problem with the Runtime Manager agent, run the script and save the output before filing a support ticket.

The amc_debug script performs the following actions:

  1. Discovers the Mule agent JVM process

  2. Extracts the thread dump (not forced if possible)

  3. Optionally extracts the heap dump (if you specify the -heap option)

    This step can cause delays in running applications.

  4. Extracts the Java version, CPU usage, memory usage, and disk usage

  5. Copies all logs

  6. Copies the configuration files for the Runtime Manager agent

  7. Archives all the information collected in a ZIP file

Run the amc_debug Script

To run the amc_debug script to collect information about the agent installation:

  1. Open a terminal window and change to the $MULE_HOME/bin folder.

  2. Run the script:


    Include the -heap option to extract the heap in addition to the other data.

    After the script finishes, the folder $MULE_HOME/bin contains a ZIP file with a name similar to

  3. Send the ZIP file to Support.

The amc_debug script is currently available on Linux/Unix-based systems only.