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Runtime Manager Command-Line Interface

Anypoint Platform provides a scripting and command-line tool for Runtime Manager. The command-line interface (CLI) supports both the interactive shell and standard CLI modes and works with:

Locally Deployed Applications Managed by Runtime Manager

For the Anypoint Platform CLI to recognize your target servers, each server must be manually registered with the platform.
Command Description

Downloads a standalone application artifact binary

Copies a standalone application

Deletes a standalone application

Deploys or redeploys an application to an on-premises server, server group, or cluster

Shows detailed information for a standalone application

Lists all standalone applications in the environment

Changes a standalone application artifact

Restarts a standalone application

Starts a standalone application

Stops a standalone application


> runtime-mgr:standalone-application:artifact [flags] <identifier> <directory>

Downloads the application artifact of the identifier application, to the directory passed in directory. The identifier flag can be either an application ID or name.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:standalone-application:copy [flags] <source> <target> <targetIdentifier>

Copies the standalone (on-premises) application passed in source to the target passed in target and the server, server group or cluster ID or Name passed in targetIdentifier.

Both arguments source and destination are represented using the format: <organizationName>:<environmentName>/<appName>, for example:

> runtime-mgr:standalone-application:copy Services:QA/application-1 Development:QA/application-2 123456

Copies the application named application-1 from the QA environment of the Services organization to the QA environment of the Development organization in the server ID 123456.

If the Anypoint Platform CLI is using the QA environment in the Services organization, the command can simply take the application name as a source:

> runtime-mgr:standalone-application:copy application-1 Development/QA/application-2 123456
Running this command requires for your user to have read/write access to the /tmp directory of the OS where the CLI is installed.
It isn’t possible to copy applications that have the same name but different targets within the same organization and environment. This can only be done through the UI.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:standalone-application:delete [flags] <identifier>

Deletes the standalone (on-premises) application passed in identifier.

This command accepts the default flags.

This command does not prompt twice before deleting. If you send a delete instruction, it does not ask for confirmation.


> runtime-mgr:standalone-application:deploy [flags] <targetIdentifier> <name> <zipfile>

Deploys or redeploys the application passed as a ZIP file in the path zipfile to the on-premises target passed in targetIdentifier.

The targetIdentifier flag can be either a target ID or name.

A target can be either a server, server group, or cluster.

This command accepts the default flags.

To redeploy an app and set a logging level or turn on Insight event tracking, see runtime-mgr:standalone-application:modify.


> runtime-mgr:standalone-application:describe [flags] <identifier>

Shows detailed information, such as status, creation date, and last update, for the standalone (on-premises) application passed in identifier.

Use the flag -o json to get the raw JSON response of the application you specify in <name>.

This command accepts the --output flag. Use the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:standalone-application:list [flags]

Lists all standalone (on-premises) applications.

In addition to the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:

Flag Description Example


Specifies the number of results to retrieve

--limit 50


Offsets the number of applications passed

--offset 20


Specifies the response format.

--output json


> runtime-mgr:standalone-application:modify [flags] <identifier> <zipfile>

Modifies the standalone (on-premises) application passed in identifier with the ZIP file application passed in zipfile as a path.

The identifier option specifies the application identifier. To retrieve the identifier, see runtime-mgr:standalone-application:list.

In addition to the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:

Flag Description Example


Stores message metadata of every Mule transaction.


--log [level:scope]

Sets the logging level and scope pair:


  • scope: package name of the class, connector, or module to log, such as org.mule.extension.ftp for Anypoint Connector for FTP

To set multiple logging levels, provide multiple --log flags.

--log INFO:org.apache --log WARN:org.mule


> runtime-mgr:standalone-application:restart [flags] <identifier>

Restarts the standalone (on-premises) application passed in identifier.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:standalone-application:start [flags] <identifier>

Starts the standalone (on-premises) application passed in identifier.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:standalone-application:stop [flags] <identifier>

Stops the standalone (on-premises) application passed in identifier.

This command accepts the default flags.

Alerts for Locally Deployed Applications Managed by Runtime Manager

Command Description

Creates new alert for standalone runtime

Describes an alert

Lists all alerts for standalone runtimes in the environment

Modifies alert for standalone runtime


> runtime-mgr:standalone-alert:create <name> [flags]

Creates a new alert for a standalone runtime with the ID passed in name. The alert name is limited to 256 characters.

In addition to the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:

Flag Description Example


Alert trigger condition

--condition cluster-up

--content <string>

Alert notification email body

--content Email Body


Email address to send alert notification to
Can be used multiple times to specify up to 20 email addresses



Condition operator explaining values relation to threshold.

--operator gt


Condition duration in minutes

--period 15


Username to send alert notification to
Can be used multiple times to specify up to 20 platform user IDs

--recipient 1fec0a49-1551-4199-bfcc-cf0352d0f29d


Alert resource ID. If not provided alert triggers for all resources. Depending on resourceType, the resource id can be of an application, server, server-group or cluster.

--resource 12343


Alert resource type

--resourceType server


Alert severity

--severity 3

--subject <string>

Alert notification email subject

--subject Email Subject


Condition threshold number

--threshold 10

This command has multi-option flags. When using multi-option flags in a command, either put the parameter before the flags or use a `-- ` (two dashes followed by a space) before the parameter.


> runtime-mgr:standalone-alert:describe [flags] <alertId>

Describes the alert passed in alertId.

This command accepts the --output flag. Use the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:standalone-alert:list [flags]

Lists all alerts for standalone Mules in the current environment.

This command accepts the --output flag. Use the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:standalone-alert:modify <alertId> [flags]

Modifies the alert passed in alertId.

In addition to the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:

Flag Description Example


Alert trigger condition

--condition server-load-average

--content <string>

Alert notification email body

--content Email Body


Email address to send alert notification to
Can be used multiple times to specify up to 20 email addresses



Alert name

--name testAlert


Condition operator explaining values relation to threshold.

--operator lt-


Condition duration in minutes

--period 15


Username to send alert notification to
Can be used multiple times to specify up to 20 platform user IDs

--recipient 1fec0a49-1551-4199-bfcc-cf0352d0f29d


Alert resource ID. If not provided alert triggers for all resources. Depending on resourceType, the resource id can be of an application, server, server-group or cluster.

--resource 12343


Alert resource type

--resourceType server


Alert severity

--severity 3

--subject <string>

Alert notification email subject

--subject Email Subject


Condition threshold number

--threshold 10

This command has multi-option flags. When using multi-option flags in a command, either put the parameter before the flags or use a `-- ` (two dashes followed by a space) before the parameter.

Local Servers

Command Description

Describes server

Deletes server

Changes an standalone application artifact

Modifies server

Gets server registration token. This token needs to be used to register a new server


> runtime-mgr:server:describe [flags] <serverId>

Describes the server passed in serverId.

This command accepts the --output flag. Use the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:server:delete [flags] <serverId>

Deletes the server passed in serverId.

This command accepts the default flags.

This command does not prompt twice before deleting. If you send a delete instruction, it does not ask for confirmation.


> runtime-mgr:server:list [flags]

Lists all servers in your environment.

This command accepts the --output flag. Use the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:server:modify [flags] <serverId>

Modifies the server passed in serverId.

In order to update the id for the cluster, you need to pass the --name flag.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:server:token [flags]

Gets server registration token. This token needs to be used to register a new server.

This command accepts the default flags.

Local Server Groups

Command Description

Adds server to a server group

Creates server group from servers

Describes server group

Deletes server group

Lists all server groups in the environment

Modifies server group

Removes server from a server group


> runtime-mgr:serverGroup:add:server [flags] <serverGroupId> <serverId>

Adds the server passed in serverId to the server group passed in serverGroupId.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:serverGroup:create [flags] <name> [serverIds...]

Creates a server group with the name passed in name using the server Id(s) passed as argument(s) thereafter.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:serverGroup:describe [flags] <serverGroupId>

Describes the server group passed in serverGroupId.

This command accepts the --output flag. Use the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:serverGroup:delete [flags] <serverGroupId>

Deletes the server groups passed in serverGroupId.

This command accepts the default flags.

This command does not prompt twice before deleting. If you send a delete instruction, it does not ask for confirmation.


> runtime-mgr:serverGroup:list [flags]

Lists all server groups in the environment.

This command has the --output flag. Use the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:serverGroup:modify [flags] <serverGroupId>

Modifies the server group passed in serverGroupId.

In order to update the id for the cluster, you need to pass the --name flag.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:serverGroup:remove:server [flags] <serverGroupId> <serverId>

Removes the server passed in serverId from the server group passed in serverGroupId.

This command accepts the default flags.

Local Cluster Servers

Command Description

Adds server to cluster

Creates new cluster

Describes server cluster

Deletes cluster

Modifies cluster

Lists all clusters in the environment

Removes server from a cluster


> runtime-mgr:cluster:add:server [flags] <clusterId> <serverId>

Adds the cluster in clusterId to the server passed in serverId.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:cluster:create <name> [flags]

This command creates a cluster using the id passed in name.

In addition to the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:

Flag Description Example


Whether cluster should be multicast



Pair of server ID and IP address
IP address is optional for multicast cluster
Provide multiple values to add multiple servers

--server 903083:

This command has multi-option flags. When using multi-option flags in a command, either put the parameter before the flags or use a `-- ` (two dashes followed by a space) before the parameter.


> runtime-mgr:cluster:describe [flags] <clusterId>

Describes the cluster passed in clusterId.

This command accepts the --output flag. Use the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:cluster:delete [flags] <clusterId>

Deletes the cluster passed in clusterId.

This command accepts the default flags.

This command does not prompt twice before deleting. If you send a delete instruction, it does not ask for confirmation.


> runtime-mgr:cluster:list [flags]

Lists all clusters in the environment.

This command has the --output flag. Use the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:cluster:modify [flags] <clusterId>

Modifies the cluster passed in clusterId.
In order to update the id for the cluster, you need to pass the --name flag.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:cluster:remove:server [flags] <clusterId> <serverId>

Removes the server passed in serverId from the cluster passed in clusterId.

This command accepts the default flags.

CLI for Cloudhub 2.0

You can use CLI commands for deploying and managing applications in Cloudhub 2.0.

CLI for CloudHub

Anypoint CLI supports managing these CloudHub features:

CLI for Anypoint Runtime Fabric

Anypoint CLI supports managing these Runtime Fabric features: