GET <Runtime Manager Agent URL>/mule/agent/mule.agent.jmx.publisher.service HTTP/1.1
JMX Service
The Runtime Manager agent JMX service allows you to track specific JMX metrics and publish them to external services. The service can be configured to track specific beans and to change the frequency with which it publishes their value.
The Runtime Manager agent supports monitoring JMX beans with mule.agent.jmx.publisher.service only in Mule 3.x.
Mule 4.x doesn’t expose beans to JMX.
JMX Publishers
The JMX service sends all the gathered metrics to publishers, which in turn publish the metrics to external monitoring tools. The service itself provides some example publishers for commonly-used tools; furthermore, you can create your own publisher to suit your specific needs.
Configure the JMX Service
Operation: Retrieve Configuration
Retrieves the JMX service configuration.
GET http://localhost:9999/mule/agent/mule.agent.jmx.publisher.service HTTP/1.1
"serviceHandlerTypes": [
"injectedHandlers": [
"name": "com.mulesoft.agent.monitoring.publisher.CloudwatchMonitorPublisher",
"path": "/mule/agent/cloudwatch.agent.monitor.publisher/configuration",
"type": "java.util.List<com.mulesoft.agent.domain.monitoring.Metric>"
"name": "com.mulesoft.agent.monitoring.publisher.GraphiteMonitorPublisher",
"path": "/mule/agent/mule.agent.graphite.jmx.internal.handler/configuration",
"type": "java.util.List<com.mulesoft.agent.domain.monitoring.Metric>"
"name": "com.mulesoft.agent.monitoring.publisher.NagiosMonitorPublisher",
"path": "/mule/agent/mule.agent.nagios.jmx.internal.handler/configuration",
"type": "java.util.List<com.mulesoft.agent.domain.monitoring.Metric>"
"name": "com.mulesoft.agent.monitoring.publisher.ZabbixMonitorPublisher",
"path": "/mule/agent/mule.agent.zabbix.jmx.internal.handler/configuration",
"type": "java.util.List<com.mulesoft.agent.domain.monitoring.Metric>"
"configurableFields": [
"name": "frequency",
"valueType": "java.lang.Integer",
"value": 15,
"configurableType": "DYNAMIC"
"name": "frequencyTimeUnit",
"valueType": "java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit",
"value": "MINUTES",
"configurableType": "DYNAMIC"
"name": "beans",
"valueType": "[;",
"value": [],
"configurableType": "DYNAMIC"
The response contains a list of the publishers currently loaded, as well as the configurable fields of the service and their values (for more information on service configuration, see Administration Service).
Operation: Modify Configuration
This operation modifies the current configuration of the service.
PATCH <Runtime Manager Agent URL>/mule/agent/mule.agent.jmx.publisher.service HTTP/1.1
"<parameter>": "<value>",
PATCH http://localhost:9999/mule/agent/myservice HTTP/1.1
"frequencyTimeUnit": "SECONDS",
"frequency": "150"
Response (if successful):
HTTP 200
Add a New JMX Publisher
To add a new JMX publisher, implement the Runtime Manager agent InternalMessageHandler
Your custom JMX publisher should meet the following requirements:
It must be thread-safe.
It must implement all publishing logic in the handle method defined in
Write Your JMX Publisher
public class MyJMXPublisher<T> extends InternalMessageHandler<List<Metric>>{
boolean handle(List<Metric> metrics){
// TODO handle message
public void enable(boolean state) throws AgentEnableOperationException {
// TODO: enable the Handler
public boolean isEnabled() {
// TODO: return Handler status
The Metric class is a POJO that contains the following fields:
* Time stamp when the metric was taken
long timestamp;
* Name of the metric. In the case of a JXM metric it is the bean that was tracked + message
String name;
* The numeric value of the metric
Number value;
To add your new JMX publisher, just drop the JAR containing your classes under the lib
folder within the Runtime Manager agent plugin.