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Deployment and Server Scaling

To ensure platform stability and performance, Anypoint Platform provides the following recommended and hard limits on the number of deployments, targets, and servers in a hybrid deployment scenario. These limits are specific to an environment in a business group.

A target is any destination for a Mule app, such as a server group, cluster, or on-premises Mule instance. For example, a server group comprised of 8 servers (Mule instances) constitutes a single target.

To create additional deployments or servers beyond these limits, you can use different accounts, environments, or business groups. To exceed these limits within the same environment, contact your customer success representative.

The tested and recommended limits on the number of deployments in a hybrid deployment scenario are:

Component Tested/Recommended Limit

Maximum number of deployments per environment


Maximum number of deployments per hybrid target (not Runtime Fabric)


Maximum number of properties per application


Maximum deployment size for CloudHub and standalone

200 MB

Maximum deployment size for CloudHub 2.0 and Runtime Fabric

350 MB

The hard limits on the number of targets and servers in a hybrid deployment scenario are:

Component Hard Limit

Maximum number of targets (not Runtime Fabric)


Maximum number of servers per server group


Maximum number of servers per cluster


As an example, if you have 500 clusters (targets) with 8 servers each, the maximum number of servers is 4000.