<pop3:connector name="pop3"/>
<flow name="list">
<pop3:inbound-endpoint checkFrequency="100" user="bob" password="password" host="pop.example.com" port="995"/>
Migrating to the Email connector
The POP3, IMAP and SMTP transports were completely rewritten. They evolved away from the Mule 3 transport model into a single operation-based connector.
This change enables many new capabilities:
The ability to list emails contents on demand, unlike the old IMAP and POP3 transports, which only provided a polling inbound endpoint.
Simplified experience to send emails.
Simplified experience to get the data of incoming emails.
Consistency between all mule connectors.
Advanced email matching functionality.
They were merged to a bring similar experience either you want to receive or send and
Migrating IMAP, POP3 or SMTP Server Configurations
Here you can see examples on how to migrate each one of the email transports configurations that were in mule 3 to the new mule 4 email connector.
In the following Mule 4 configuration examples you’ll see that most of the parameters that were
declared in the inbound-endpoint
or outbound-endpoint
such as user
, password
, host
, port
between others
have been moved to the connection
Migrating a POP3 Inbound Endpoint
<email:pop3-config name="pop3">
<email:pop3-connection connector-ref="pop3" host="pop.example.com" port="995" user="bob" password="password"/>
<flow name="list">
<scheduling-strategy><fixed-frequency frequency="100"></scheduling-strategy>
<email:list-pop3 config-ref="pop3"/>
the list-pop3 operation does not perform the polling, an scheduler is in charge to trigger the flow. |
Migrating an IMAP Inbound Endpoint
<imap:connector name="imap" checkFrequency="100"/>
<flow name="retrieve-emails">
<imap:inbound-endpoint user="bob" password="password" host="pop.example.com" port="995"/>
<email:imap-config name="imap">
<email:imap-connection connector-ref="imap" host="pop.example.com" port="995" user="bob" password="password"/>
<flow name="list">
<scheduling-strategy><fixed-frequency frequency="100"></scheduling-strategy>
<email:list-imap config-ref="imap"/>
the list-imap operation does not perform the polling, an scheduler is in charge to trigger the flow. |
Inbound Email Attachments
In Mule 3, attachments in the received email were set on the
field of the Message. In the Email connector for Mule 4, the
attachments are a field of the message payload, modeled as a Map and
accessible through DataWeave. For instance, to reference an attachment called
, the expression is #[payload.attachments['photo_png']]
Migrating an SMTP Outbound Endpoint
<smtp:connector name="smtp"/>
<flow name="send-email">
<smtp:outbound-endpoint connector-ref="smtp" host="smtp.example.com" user="bob" password="password"
port="587" subject="Hello Ale!" from="bob@mulesoft.com" to="ale@mulesoft.com" />
<email:smtp-config name="smtp">
<email:smtp-connection host="smtp.example.com" port="587" user="bob" password="password"/>
<flow name="send">
<email:send config-ref="smtp" subject="Hello Ale!" from="bob@mulesoft.com">
<email:to-address value="ale@mulesoft.com"/>
In the Mule 3 transport, the properties of the outgoing email (subject, addresses, and so on) could be configured through outbound properties set in the event, before the execution of the outbound SMTP endpoint. In that case, the outbound properties took precedence over the values configured in the endpoint or connector themselves.
Unlike Mule 3, attachments to be sent with an email must be configured
explicitly on the email:send
operation, rather that obtained from the
field of the Message. A suggested pattern for sending
attachments is set them as variables in the flow and then reference those
variables in the email:send
operation to send those attachments.
Migrating SSL/TLS Secured Connections
In Mule 3, each transport/connector had its own TLS element. In Mule 4, the TLS context is the common element for configuring TLS across modules. In the next example we can see a Mule 3 example and how can it be migrated to Mule 4.
the example uses an SMTP configuration but is the same for the IMAP and POP3 configurations. |
<smtps:connector name="tls">
<smtps:tls-client path="aKeystore" storePassword="password"/>
<smtps:tls-trust-store path="aTruststore" storePassword="changeit"/>
<email:smtp-config name="tls">
<email:smtps-connection host="${port}" port="${port}">
<tls:context enabledProtocols="TLSv1.2,SSLv3">
<tls:key-store path="aKeystore" password="password"/>
<tls:trust-store path="aTruststore.jks" password="changeit"/>
Adding the Mule 4 Connector to a Project
Now that the transport are not bounded with Mule, you need to add it
to your app using the Studio palette or add the following dependency in your pom.xml
in order to use it
<version>1.1.0</version> <!-- or newer -->