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Mule Upgrade Tool

The Mule upgrade tool is a command line utility for updating and upgrading standalone on-premise instances of Mule 4. Download the tool and integrate it with your existing automated processes and workflows by using scripts and cron jobs.

If the Runtime Manager agent is installed in your current Mule instance, the upgrade tool also updates the agent version as part of the upgrade process.

Upgrading the Anypoint Monitoring agent isn’t supported. To proceed with an upgrade, you must first uninstall the agent, and reinstall it after the Mule instance upgrade is complete. See Update the Anypoint Monitoring Agent.

The Mule upgrade tool supports upgrading clustered Mule instances by manually upgrading each node using the tool. For additional information on how to proceed with the upgrade, see Upgrading Clustered Mule Instances. Though highly recommended, using the tool is not strictly necessary to upgrade your current Mule instance. For a completely manual upgrade, see Upgrading an On-Premises Mule Instance Managed Through Runtime Manager.

Before You Begin

Before starting your upgrade, ensure that you have:

  • The latest available version of Mule upgrade tool so that the tool runs with the latest fixes and security enhancements.

    Download the Mule upgrade tool from the Help CenterLeaving the Site.

  • A currently operational Mule 4 instance in stopped status to prepare for the upgrade.

    For upgrades of Mule versions between 4.1.1 and 4.1.4 with the Mule upgrade tool, you must upgrade from any patch update released after January 20, 2022. Releases of versions 4.1.1 through 4.1.4 before January 20, 2022 are not supported by the tool, and attempts to upgrade them produce an error message stating that the Mule version cannot be upgraded without first upgrading to a supported version (see Mule Upgrades and Patch Updates).

  • The latest Mule runtime engine distribution, downloaded and unpacked in your system.

    The Mule upgrade tool requires the full distribution of the Mule runtime. Ensure you download a full Mule runtime distribution, identified by including the term distribution (and not the term patch) in the file name, for example, for the full distribution of the 20220221 patch for Mule 4.4.0: mule-ee-distribution-standalone-4.4.0-20220221.zip.

    Download Mule runtime distributions from the Help CenterLeaving the Site.

  • At least 2 GB of available disk space on the file system and access privileges to install the new Mule distribution.

  • (For Windows environments) The execution policy for Powershell scripts set to Unrestricted.

  • If Anypoint Monitoring agent is installed, uninstall it prior to the upgrade.

Upgrade or Update Mule

To upgrade or update your clustered Mule instances to the latest version:

  1. Navigate to the $MULE_HOME/tools directory, where you downloaded the Mule upgrade tool.

  2. Run the upgrade -n subcommand, specifying as an argument the absolute path of the directory where the latest Mule runtime distribution is downloaded and unpacked, for example:

    $MULE_HOME/tools/upgrade-tool upgrade -n <newMuleDistributionAbsolutePath>

    The script outputs the following:

    ➜  tools ./upgrade-tool upgrade -n /Users/me/mule-download/upgrade/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.5.0/
    Mule Runtime Upgrade Tool
    INFO: Initiating upgrade process...
    INFO: Upgrading distribution at path [/opt/mule/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.4.0-20221212]
          with version: [4.4.0-20221212] to distribution at path
          [/opt/mule/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.4.0-20230217] with version [4.4.0-20230217] ...
    Do you want to proceed with the upgrade?
    To confirm please, enter [yes, no] (default: no): yes
    WARN: Unknown file tools/mule-runtime-upgrade-tool-logs/mule-runtime-upgrade-tool-logs.log
    was found in the runtime installation, and will be kept.
    WARN: A version in your MULE_HOME directory name was detected:
    /opt/mule/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.4.0-20221212, beware it may not match the current
    installed version inside the directory.
    INFO: Upgrade process finished successfully.
    Verifying Mule Agent
    INFO: Mule Agent not installed, skipping setup

Now that your existing Mule instance is upgraded, you can delete the recently downloaded version (referenced in the example as <newMuleDistributionAbsolutePath>) as the upgrade tool does not need it anymore.

The upgraded Mule runtime instance replaces the previous version because its target location is $MULE_HOME.

Roll Back an Upgrade or Update

Before starting an upgrade or update process, the Mule upgrade tool generates a backup of the clustered Mule instance you are upgrading or updating, which enables you to restore the upgraded or updated clustered Mule instance to its previous state. The backup is stored in the $MULE_HOME/.upgrade-tool-backup folder.

To perform a rollback:

  1. Navigate to the $MULE_HOME/tools directory, where you downloaded the Mule upgrade tool.

  2. Run the rollback subcommand, for example:

    $MULE_HOME/tools/upgrade-tool rollback

Solving File Conflicts

The Mule upgrade tool compares configuration files from the current Mule distribution and the new distribution to detect changes and prevent losing them. When the Mule upgrade tool detects changes in the new Mule distribution configuration files, it tries to resolve conflicts automatically and continue with the upgrade. If conflicts cannot be resolved automatically, the tool performs the following actions:

  • Fails the execution of the upgrade subcommand, showing an error message.

  • Logs the names of the Mule configuration files with conflicts into the log output.

  • Copies the configuration files with conflicts from the ${MULE_HOME}/conf directory of the current Mule distribution to ${MULE_HOME}/upgrade-tool/mule-config-conflicts/to_review.

  • Copies the original content of the configuration files from the new Mule distribution to the ${MULE_HOME}/upgrade-tool/mule-configs-conflicts/new-${MULE_HOME_NEW_FOLDER_NAME} folder.

If the upgrade process fails due to conflicts with the configuration files, follow the next steps to resolve the conflicts and continue the upgrade process.

Steps to Solve Conflicts with Mule Configuration Files

Follow these steps to resolve conflicts during an upgrade:

  1. Inside the ${MULE_HOME}/upgrade-tool/mule-config-conflicts/to_review/ folder of the current Mule distribution that you are upgrading, locate one of the files that has a conflict.

  2. Use any file comparison or diff tool to compare the contents of the files in the following paths:

    • ${MULE_HOME}/upgrade-tool/mule-config-conflicts/to_review/fileWithConflicts.conf

    • ${MULE_HOME}/upgrade-tool/mule-configs-files/new-${MULE_HOME_NEW_FOLDER_NAME}/fileWithConflicts.conf

  3. After reviewing the differences, merge or discard the changes:

    • If you decide to merge the changes, modify the previous configuration file ${MULE_HOME}/upgrade-tool/mule-config-conflicts/to_review/fileWithConflicts.conf adding the desired changes from the new configuration file ${MULE_HOME}/upgrade-tool/mule-config-conflicts/new-${MULE_HOME_NEW_FOLDER_NAME}/fileWithConflicts.conf. Then, copy the merged file to the ${MULE_HOME}/upgrade-tool/mule-config-conflicts/ready folder.

    • If you decide to discard the changes maintaining your previous configuration, move the previous configuration file ${MULE_HOME}/upgrade-tool/mule-config-conflicts/to_review/fileWithConflicts.conf to the ${MULE_HOME}/upgrade-tool/mule-config-conflicts/ready folder.

      Note that discarding the changes sometimes lead to using deprecated settings in the updated Mule distribution.

  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 for each configuration file in the ${MULE_HOME}/upgrade-tool/mule-config-conflicts/to_review folder.

  5. Retry running the upgrade subcommand.

    When the upgrade finishes successfully, the tool deletes the ${MULE_HOME}/upgrade-tool/mule-config-conflicts folder to have a clean environment for future upgrades.

Unattended Upgrades or Updates

You can perform an unattended upgrade or update by resolving the conflicts in a different environment before running the upgrade in the target environment. This procedure works only if the current and new Mule distributions that you configure in the secondary environment match the versions of the current and new Mule distributions, respectively, that you have in the main environment:

  1. In an environment where user interaction is possible, review and resolve all the conflicts as explained in Steps to Solve Conflicts with Mule Configuration Files.

  2. In the target environment, copy the files from ${MULE_HOME_WITH_USER_INTERACTION}/upgrade-tool/mule-config-conflicts/ready/ to ${MULE_HOME_WITHOUT_USER_INTERACTION}/upgrade-tool/mule-config-conflicts/ready/.

  3. Run the upgrade subcommand in the target environment.

Configure Logging for the Mule Upgrade Tool

You can enable debug logging to add detailed information about each operation, change the folder where the tool stores the logs, and also use a customized log configuration file for the Mule upgrade tool.

Specify a Custom Log4j File

By default, the Mule upgrade tool uses the log4j2-upgrade-tool.xml file that is located in the $MULE_HOME/tools/upgrade-tool folder.

To use a custom Log4j file, use the -l parameter and specify the file name of the custom Log4j configuration file to use, for example:

$MULE_HOME/tools/upgrade-tool -l myLog4j2File.xml upgrade

Enable DEBUG Level Logs

To enable debug logging:

  1. Open the Log4j file you are using with the tool.

  2. Replace the level property value INFO with DEBUG, in the following line of the Log4j file:

    <Logger level="INFO" name="com.mulesoft.runtime.upgrade.tool.service" additivity="false">

Customize the Logs Output

By default, the Mule upgrade tool stores logs in the ./mule-runtime-upgrade-tool-logs directory.

To change the file name, output path, and log pattern:

  1. Open the Log4j file you are using with the tool.

  2. Specify the desired values for the fileName and filePattern properties:

    <RollingFile name="RollingFile"
      filePattern="./mule-runtime-upgrade-tool-logs/$${date:yyyy-MM}/mule-runtime-upgrade-tool-logs-%d{-dd-MMMM-yyyy}-%i.log.gz" >

Mule Upgrade Tool Subcommands and Options

The following table describes the subcommands and options you can use when running the Mule upgrade tool:

Subcommand Description


Upgrades the local Mule instance to the latest available version.
The following are the supported options for this subcommand.

Options Description

-n <newMuleDistributionPath>

Upgrades the local Mule instance to the distribution that is downloaded and unpacked in your file system. Parameter <newMuleDistribution> specifies the path to the new Mule distribution, for example:
$ ./upgrade-tool upgrade -n /<newMuleDistributionPath>

-o <localMuleInstancePath>

Upgrades the local Mule instance located in path <localMuleInstancePath>. This option enables you to upgrade a different Mule instance than the one located in the same $MULE_HOME path as the upgrade tool, for example:
$ ./upgrade-tool upgrade -o /<localMuleInstancePath>


Simulates the upgrade process without performing any permanent changes to the current Mule instance.


Performs the upgrade without requesting user confirmation for destructive operations like overwriting a backup or removing applied patches.


Displays the help message for this subcommand.


Restores the Mule instance to its previous state. This subcommand works only after performing a successful upgrade with the tool.
The following are the supported options for this subcommand.

Options Description

-o <localMuleInstancePath>

Restores the local Mule instance located in path <localMuleInstancePath>. This option enables you to restore a different Mule instance than the one located in the same $MULE_HOME path as the upgrade tool, for example:
$ ./upgrade-tool rollback -o /<localMuleInstancePath>


Simulates the rollback process without performing any permanent changes to the current Mule instance.


Restores the Mule instance without requesting user confirmation.


Displays the help message for this subcommand.


Provides information about the current Mule instance, including:

  • The Mule runtime engine version

  • A message confirming that the current Mule instance meets conditions to upgrade or roll back

  • Any existing backup and its location

  • The integrity of the backup, if it exists

Troubleshooting Common Errors

The following are some of the most common error messages from the upgrade tool and include the error description and a proposed solution.

Missing required subcommand


Mule Runtime Upgrade Tool

Missing required subcommand
Usage: upgrade-tool [-hV] [COMMAND]
Try 'upgrade-tool --help' for more information.


This error indicates that the specified subcommand is either unknown or missing. The only supported subcommands are upgrade, rollback, or status.


Ensure you are running the upgrade-tool command and specifying any of the supported subcommands: upgrade, rollback, or status.

The -h or --help options enable you to get additional details for a certain subcommand, for example:

$ ./upgrade-tool rollback --help

Missing required option

./upgrade-tool upgrade

Mule Runtime Upgrade Tool

Missing required option: '--new-mule-distro=<newMuleDistro>'
Usage: upgrade-tool upgrade [-dfh] -n=<newMuleDistro> [-o=<oldMuleDistro>]
Try 'upgrade-tool upgrade --help' for more information.


This error indicates that the chosen subcommand needs more arguments, for example, when upgrading, the argument --new-mule-distro is required.


Run the following command to get information about which arguments are required for a specific subcommand:

./upgrade-tool upgrade --help

After running the command, the tool outputs additional information:

Mule Runtime Upgrade Tool

Usage: upgrade-tool upgrade [-dfh] -n=<newMuleDistro> [-o=<oldMuleDistro>]
Upgrades a Mule Runtime to a newer version
  -d, --dry-run   Simulate upgrade process without performing any permanent
                    changes to the current Mule Runtime Distribution.
  -f, --force     Perform all the destructive operations like overwriting the
                    backup or removing the applied patches without user
  -h, --help      Display this help message
  -n, --new-mule-distro=<newMuleDistro>
                  File path of the newer Mule Runtime distribution used for the
  -o, --old-mule-distro=<oldMuleDistro>
                  File path of Mule Runtime distribution to upgrade

The Usage: line specifies which options and arguments are optional by enclosing them in square brackets ([,]). Options and arguments without square brackets are mandatory.

No space left on device

$ ./upgrade-tool upgrade -n /tmp/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.4.0-20211104

Mule Runtime Upgrade Tool

INFO: Initiating upgrade process...
INFO: Upgrading distribution at path [/opt/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.4.0-20211026] with version: [4.4.0-20211104] to distribution at path [/tmp/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.4.0-20211104] with version [4.4.0-20211104] ...
ERROR: Version of new Mule distribution 4.4.0-20211104 should be newer than old Mule distribution: 4.4.0-20211104
ERROR: There's not enough disk space for performing the upgrade.
ERROR: No space left on device
No space left on device


This error indicates that there is no available disk space to run the upgrade.


The tool requires at least 2 GB of space available in the file system in which the Mule instance is running. Ensure that your system has enough disk space available and that any other requirements are met.

On Linux environments, use the df command to check available disk space:

$ df -h /opt
Filesystem              Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg-opt      419G  205G  193G  52% /opt

Version should be newer

./upgrade-tool upgrade -n /tmp/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.4.0-20211104

Mule Runtime Upgrade Tool

INFO: Initiating upgrade process...
INFO: Upgrading distribution at path [/opt/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.4.0-20211026] with version: [4.4.0-20211104] to distribution at path [/tmp/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.4.0-20211104] with version [4.4.0-20211104] ...
ERROR: Version of new Mule distribution 4.4.0-20211104 should be newer than old Mule distribution: 4.4.0-20211104


This error occurs when the upgrade command specifies a new Mule distribution that is in the same version as the current Mule instance.


Verify that the downloaded Mule distribution is in a later version than your current Mule instance. If you continue to receive this error message during the upgrade, it means that the current Mule instance is already updated or running the latest available version.

Missing reading permissions

./upgrade-tool upgrade -n /tmp/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.4.0-20211104

Mule Runtime Upgrade Tool

INFO: Initiating upgrade process...
INFO: Upgrading distribution at path [/opt/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.4.0-20211026] with version: [4.4.0-20211026] to distribution at path [/tmp/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.4.0-20211104] with version [4.4.0-20211104] ...
ERROR: Error validating required reading permissions under Mule distribution [/tmp/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.4.0-20211104]
java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /tmp/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.4.0-20211104/lib/mule/mule-module-cache-ee-4.4.0-20211104.jar


Read permissions in the new Mule distribution are required but not set for the user who is performing the upgrade, so that user cannot read the file referenced in the stack trace.


Obtain read permission for files that the upgrade identifies as unreadable. Contact your system administrator for assistance, if necessary.

Missing writing permissions

./upgrade-tool upgrade -n /tmp/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.4.0-20211104

Mule Runtime Upgrade Tool

INFO: Initiating upgrade process...
INFO: Upgrading distribution at path [/opt/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.4.0-20211026] with version: [4.4.0-20211026] to distribution at path [/tmp/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.4.0-20211104] with version [4.4.0-20211104] ...
ERROR: Error validating required writing permissions under Mule distribution [/opt/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.4.0-20211026]
java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /opt/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.4.0-20211026/lib/boot/libwrapper-linux-ppcle-64.so


Write permissions in the old Mule distribution are required but not set for the user who is performing the upgrade, so that user cannot write to the file referenced in the stack trace.


Obtain write permission to files that the upgrade tool identifies. Contact your system administrator for assistance, if necessary.

Mule Runtime should be stopped

./upgrade-tool upgrade -n /tmp/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.4.0-20211104

Mule Runtime Upgrade Tool

INFO: Initiating upgrade process...
INFO: Upgrading distribution at path [/opt/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.4.0-20211026] with version: [4.4.0-20211026] to distribution at path [/tmp/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.4.0-20211104] with version [4.4.0-20211104] ...
ERROR: Mule Runtime should be stopped.
ERROR: Not all preconditions are met to perform the upgrade. Review the log for details.
Not all preconditions are met to perform the upgrade. Review the log for details.


The upgrade tool detected that Mule is running.


Stop Mule before starting the upgrade process. To check the current status, use the command ${MULE_HOME}/bin/mule status.

Mule version is not supported for an upgrade

./upgrade-tool upgrade -n /tmp/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.4.0-20211104

Mule Runtime Upgrade Tool

INFO: Initiating upgrade process...
INFO: Upgrading distribution at path [/tmp/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.1.1-20211222] with version: [4.1.1] to distribution at path [/tmp/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.4.0-20211026] with version [4.4.0-20211026] ...
ERROR: Your Mule version cannot be upgraded to the new one, you need to upgrade to a version greater than 4.1.5, or for versions between 4.1.1 to 4.1.4, then packages released after January 20, 2022.
ERROR: Not all preconditions are met to perform the upgrade. Review the log for details.
Not all preconditions are met to perform the upgrade. Review the log for details.


The Mule upgrade tool requires both the current Mule instance and the new Mule instance (/new-${MULE_HOME_NEW_FOLDER_NAME}) to be running version 4.1.5 or later.


Perform a manual upgrade to ensure that the current and new Mule instances are in version 4.1.5 or later before attempting to upgrade using the Mule upgrade tool.

Upgrading Clustered Mule Instances

To upgrade clustered Mule instances, use the Mule upgrade tool to automate the upgrade process of your local Mule instances by manually upgrading each node.

Before You Begin

Before starting your upgrade, ensure that you have:

  • The new Mule runtime distribution (target version) and the Mule upgrade tool copied to each node that you are upgrading, to reduce downtime.

  • The latest available version of Mule upgrade tool so that the tool runs with the latest fixes and security enhancements.

    Download the Mule upgrade tool from the Help CenterLeaving the Site.

  • A currently operational Mule 4 instance in stopped status to prepare for the upgrade.

    For upgrades of Mule versions between 4.1.1 and 4.1.4 with the Mule upgrade tool, you must upgrade from any patch update released after January 20, 2022. Releases of versions 4.1.1 through 4.1.4 before January 20, 2022 are not supported by the tool, and attempts to upgrade them produce an error message stating that the Mule version cannot be upgraded without first upgrading to a supported version (see Mule Upgrades and Patch Updates).

  • The latest Mule runtime engine distribution, downloaded and unpacked in your system.

    The Mule upgrade tool requires the full distribution of the Mule runtime. Ensure you download a full Mule runtime distribution, identified by including the term distribution (and not the term patch) in the file name, for example, for the full distribution of the 20220221 patch for Mule 4.4.0: mule-ee-distribution-standalone-4.4.0-20220221.zip.

    Download Mule runtime distributions from the Help CenterLeaving the Site.

  • At least 2 GB of available disk space on the file system and access privileges to install the new Mule distribution.

  • (For Windows environments) The execution policy for Powershell scripts set to Unrestricted.

  • If Anypoint Monitoring agent is installed, uninstall it prior to the upgrade.

Upgrade or Update Mule

To upgrade or update your clustered Mule instances to the latest version:

  1. Navigate to the $MULE_HOME/tools directory, where you downloaded the Mule upgrade tool.

  2. Run the upgrade -n subcommand, specifying as an argument the absolute path of the directory where the latest Mule runtime distribution is downloaded and unpacked, for example:

    $MULE_HOME/tools/upgrade-tool upgrade -n <newMuleDistributionAbsolutePath>

    The script outputs the following:

    ➜  tools ./upgrade-tool upgrade -n /Users/me/mule-download/upgrade/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.5.0/
    Mule Runtime Upgrade Tool
    INFO: Initiating upgrade process...
    INFO: Upgrading distribution at path [/opt/mule/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.4.0-20221212]
          with version: [4.4.0-20221212] to distribution at path
          [/opt/mule/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.4.0-20230217] with version [4.4.0-20230217] ...
    Do you want to proceed with the upgrade?
    To confirm please, enter [yes, no] (default: no): yes
    WARN: Unknown file tools/mule-runtime-upgrade-tool-logs/mule-runtime-upgrade-tool-logs.log
    was found in the runtime installation, and will be kept.
    WARN: A version in your MULE_HOME directory name was detected:
    /opt/mule/mule-enterprise-standalone-4.4.0-20221212, beware it may not match the current
    installed version inside the directory.
    INFO: Upgrade process finished successfully.
    Verifying Mule Agent
    INFO: Mule Agent not installed, skipping setup

Now that your existing Mule instance is upgraded, you can delete the recently downloaded version (referenced in the example as <newMuleDistributionAbsolutePath>) as the upgrade tool does not need it anymore.

The upgraded Mule runtime instance replaces the previous version because its target location is $MULE_HOME.

Note that every node must be upgraded or updated to the same Mule runtime version to work.

Roll Back an Upgrade or Update

Before starting an upgrade or update process, the Mule upgrade tool generates a backup of the clustered Mule instance you are upgrading or updating, which enables you to restore the upgraded or updated clustered Mule instance to its previous state. The backup is stored in the $MULE_HOME/.upgrade-tool-backup folder.

To perform a rollback:

  1. Navigate to the $MULE_HOME/tools directory, where you downloaded the Mule upgrade tool.

  2. Run the rollback subcommand, for example:

    $MULE_HOME/tools/upgrade-tool rollback

Note that every node must be rolled back to the same Mule runtime version to work.