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Add Another Output to the Transform Message Component (Anypoint Studio)

A single Transform Message component can give shape to several different parts of the output Mule event (the payload, variables, and attributes). Each different output part must be defined in a separate target XML element inside the <ee:transform> XML element as another block of DataWeave code. In Anypoint Studio 7, you do this by writing the DataWeave code in a separate tab of the Transform pane. For example, if one tab defines the payload, and another attributes, these are both parts of the same output Mule event.

To add a new output target:

  1. Click Add new target.

    Add icon

  2. Specify where in the output Mule message to place the result of this new DataWeave transform. In case you’re creating a new variable or property, you must also set a name for it.

    A Selection dialog output with an option to choose a source code

Note that the execution order of multiple outputs can vary. Ensure that each transformation is independent of the order of execution and the other outputs.

How Targets of a Transform Message Component are Represented in the Configuration XML File

The payload is represented in an <ee:message> element, as a child element of the <ee:message> element.

<ee:transform doc:name="Set Transactions XML" doc:id="5c58d889-896d-495a-b2f6-fe1613ae8044" >
  <ee:message >
    <ee:set-payload ><![CDATA[%dw 2.0
                              output application/xml

Attributes are represented together inside the <ee:message> element, as a child of the <ee:message> element.

<ee:transform doc:name="Set Transactions XML">
  <ee:message >
    <ee:set-payload ><![CDATA[%dw 2.0
                              output application/xml

    <![CDATA[%dw 2.0
             output application/java
            { }]]>

Each variable is represented inside a separate <ee:variable> element, as a child the <ee:variables> parent element. The <ee:variables> element is a direct child of the <ee:transform> element, so it is not part of the <ee:message> element. This XML structure reflects that variables and the message are carried along together with the parent event object.

Here is an example of a variable target defined inside a Transform Message component:

<ee:transform doc:name="Set accounts var" doc:id="15e226ab-8204-4d84-ab4b-f4fcdd088656">
    <ee:set-variable variableName="accounts">
      <![CDATA[%dw 2.0
               output application/json