Mouse Actions
The Mouse Actions Action Step emulates mouse moves and clicks. Keyboard inputs can be used to modify the mouse clicks.
You can capture mouse actions directly or create and/or edit them in the wizard. The speed of mouse actions can also be defined.
Mouse moves can be created relative to a specific coordinate. This coordinate may be determined by a previous Action Step such as a image or text search, for example.
Relative To (default: 0.0) Anchor point relative to which the mouse action is to be performed. If no Pin variable has been assigned, this is the top-left corner of the screen. This anchor point can also be set as a placeholder (Inbound Variables).
Please note that the Action Step that returns the coordinates must occur within the same Transaction in order to appear here as a possible Pin variable.
Mouse Click Timing
Mouse Click Down Delay (ms, default: 200) Duration in milliseconds for which a mouse button is held down.
Mouse Click Up Delay (ms, default: 10) Pause between two mouse clicks in milliseconds.
Mouse speed (0–100, default: 4) The mouse must be moved to perform a click. This setting is used to set the speed of this move. High values produce a slower movement. The value 0 disables the movement, meaning that the mouse jumps instantaneously.
Inbound Variables
The property Relative To can be linked to a Pin variable of the type Coordinate. The mouse action is then performed relative to this coordinate rather than the top-left corner of the screen.
Outbound Variables
The Group block possesses no outbound variables.
Click position Pair of X and Y pixel coordinates where the mouse action is to be performed.
Mouse ActionThe specific mouse action that is to be performed:
None Mouse to hover over an element. No mouse button is pressed; the mouse stays still.
To capture a hover action, you must initially perform a mouse click at the relevant position. You can then change this in the Mouse Action Edit Window from Left to None under Mouse Action (one of the properties).
Left The left mouse button gets pressed.
Middle The middle mouse button gets pressed.
Right The right mouse button gets pressed.
LeftUp (in the case of drag and drop) The left mouse button is released following a drag operation (moving the mouse with the button held down).
LeftDown (in the case of drag and drop) The left mouse button is held down during a drag operation (moving the mouse with the button held down).
RightUp The right mouse button is released following a drag operation (moving the mouse with the button held down).
RightDown The right mouse button is held down during a drag operation (moving the mouse with the button held down).
WheelUp The mouse wheel scrolls forwards/up.
WheelDown The mouse wheel scrolls backwards/down.
Click Count (0-99) The number of clicks within the mouse action.
When capturing a double-click, please make sure that the mouse doesn’t slip during the process.
Check how the operation has been captured in the wizard. If LeftDown and LeftUp have been saved there because the coordinates differ, please correct this as follows:
Remove one line from the incorrectly captured double-click.
Set the Mouse Action property to Left and Counts to 2.
Modifier Mouse actions can be modified by combinations of keys. This makes it possible, for example, to mark related or individual elements using the mouse.
Initial Action Delay [ms] (default: 500 ms) You can enter a delay of between 0 and 999999999 ms between the cursor movement and the start of the actual mouse action. This would be necessary, for example, if a clickable element only becomes visible when the mouse pointer is hovered over it. Select the checkbox next to Enable initial action delay to enable this.
Enable initial action delay enables the Initial Action Delay property to be used.
Other wizard functionality
Move mouse action up/down moves the selected mouse action up or down in the table. The ID of the action remains unchanged. Mouse actions are performed in the order in which they appear in the table, regardless of their ID.
Add mouse action It is possible to add a mouse action that you configure solely using the wizard rather than actually capturing it.
Hide this window when capturing (default: enabled) If this option is enabled, the Mouse Action Wizard window is hidden while mouse actions are captured.
Hide main window when capturing (default: enabled) If this option is enabled, the RPA Builder window is hidden while mouse actions are captured.
Relative To (default: none) The position where the mouse action is to be performed can be defined based on a previously executed Action Step (see also Inbound Variables).
Mouse click timing (see Properties).
Creating Mouse Actions Relative to an Anchor Point
If the coordinate relative to which the mouse action is to be performed is not yet known at the time of designing the mouse action, a notification will appear. Click OK to confirm.
Then click the mouse to set an anchor point at the position where you expect the coordinate to be and which the mouse action relates to.
Then capture the other mouse actions that relate to this.
At runtime, the anchor point will be replaced with the actual coordinate that is calculated at the time.