Send Mail
With the Send Mail Action Step, you can send an e-mail with the SMTP protocol. You can enter the recipient, the subject, or send attachments just as with other e-mail programs.
You can only use the Send Mail Action Step within a Mail Session. You enter the information required for the connection to the mail server in the Mail Session.
Send Mail Settings
Body Here, the content of the e-mail is displayed. A total of 3900 characters are available.
Enter error state when a file does not exist If this checkbox is selected and if one of the attached files is not found in the production run, the Action Step is ended with an error.
First directory path Path to the directory, in which the first file to be attached, is located. Enter the absolute or relative path. If relative, then the path refers to the variable Base Path.
First file name Contains the path to the first file that is to be attached.
Second directory path Path to the directory, in which the second file to be attached, is located. Enter the absolute or relative path. If relative, then the path refers to the variable Base Path.
Second file name Contains the path to the second file that is to be attached.
Subject Subject of the e-mail.
Third directory path Path to the directory, in which the third file to be attached, is located. Enter the absolute or relative path. If relative, then the path refers to the variable Base Path.
Third file name Contains the path to the third file that is to be attached.
Inbound Variables
To Recipient.
Cc Carbon copy.
Bcc Blind carbon copy.
Subject Subject of the e-mail.
First directory path Path to the directory, in which the first file to be attached, is located. Enter the absolute or relative path. If relative, then the path refers to the variable Base Path.
First file name Contains the path to the first file that is to be attached.
Second directory path Path to the directory, in which the second file to be attached, is located. Enter the absolute or relative path. If relative, then the path refers to the variable Base Path.
Second file name Contains the path to the second file that is to be attached.
Third directory path Path to the directory, in which the third file to be attached, is located. Enter the absolute or relative path. If relative, then the path refers to the variable Base Path.
Third file name Contains the path to the third file that is to be attached.
Enter error state when a file does not exist If this checkbox is selected and if one of the attached files is not found in the production run, the Action Step is ended with an error.
Outbound Variables
IsSucceeded Indicates whether an e-mail was sent successfully.
The wizard is split into two tabs, Message and Attachment.
In the Message area, you can enter free text under Body. You can also link the content with Insert Available Variables. You have defined the variables in advance either using the Activity Parameters or the Workflow Based Variables.
The pin variable is only displayed if you have defined a variable of type Bool using the Activity Parameters or the Workflow Based Variables.
In the Attachment area, you can add up to three attachments to the e-mail. Under Directory path, you define the path to the new file to be created. You can create an absolute path or a path relative to the Base Path. The default value is %STWS_BASEPATH%. Select an existing path. To construct the path, you can also insert variables from the workflow.
You can find further explanations under Properties.