Submit Form
This Web Automation object allows you to submit a form on a webpage. It will work on any field contained within a form and submit the whole form.
Webelement Find Options
Screenshot The recorded screenshot is displayed here.
Use Regex to find Window (Enable Regex) Use this function if you want to use Regex when searching the window.
Other Properties that are the same in all Action Steps in the Web Automation are described in the section on Common Properties. For reasons of clarity they are not shown here.
Inbound Variables
Element XPath
Window Title
Outbound Variables
The Action Step Submit Form possesses no outbound variables.
Forms are often used on websites to collect various data. The most common example would be a registration form to get an account to log in to a website. Submit Form is a very simple-to-use tool that allows you to transfer the required data. Just define an element XPath to identify the form that you want to submit.
You do not have to use the submit button to start transferring the data; modifying any of the fields contained in the form is sufficient.