Intelligent OCR (2020)
The Intelligent OCR (2020) Action Step represents a good alternative to the previous OCR (Legacy OCR). The new OCR contains the languages Arabic, Greek, Hebrew, and Thai.
Color Depth (bpc) In documents with many images and colors, a setting with low color depth leads to faster search results. You can select a value between 0 and 8. Value 0 means that the color depth remains unchanged compared to the original.
Enhance Contrast Adjusts the image contrast so that the legibility of the text is improved.
Image Type
Auto (default) The document type is determined automatically
Document Can improve the OCR operation of a document (PDF)
Snippet Can improve the OCR operation of selected text sections
Recognition Strategy
Fast The OCR operation is carried out faster but this can lead to poorer scan quality
Advanced (default) The OCR operation can take longer but the results are optimal
Outbound Variables
The outbound variables are identical to those in the Legacy OCR.
Scaling Mode
Auto Scale by Engine (default) Scaling to a higher resolution takes place automatically if this improves the OCR operation. This can lead to slightly longer search operations and also requires more main memory.
Scale by 1 The scaling of the recorded image is set to 1.
Manual scale In the Manual scale mode, you can determine the scaling factor yourself. You can enter an enlargement value of between 1 and 4 in each case. It is not recommended to use a high value (4) in combination with a large image excerpt.
The following languages are available here
Arabic | Italian |
Chinese (simplified) |
Japanese |
Chinese (traditional) |
Korean |
Czech |
Norwegian |
Danish |
Polish |
English |
Portuguese |
Finnish |
Russian |
French |
Spanish |
German |
Swedish |
Greek |
Turkish |
Hebrew |
Thai |
Hungarian |
In contrast to the situation with Action Step Legacy OCR, here you can combine the Asian languages with each other, and also with the other languages.
You can select a maximum of two languages at any time.
Retries [0..5] (Default: 3) With this menu option, it is possible to repeat the search recognition up to 5 times. If the text recognition is successful, no further attempt is carried out. This option only appears if you have selected text, Regex, or fuzzy comparison in search mode.