Map Network Drive
This Action Step lets you map and unmap any network location and any drive letter.
Drive The drive letter to map the network location to. Or, if you selected Unmap Drive, the drive letter to unmap.
Login required Activate if the network location is password protected.
Network Path The path of the network location you want to map.
Password The password required to access the network location. Only applicable if Login required is selected.
Unmap drive Select this if you want to unmap a drive instead of mapping it.
Username The username required to access the network location. Only applicable if Login required is activated.
Warning if already mapped Normally, an error is thrown if you try to map a drive that is already mapped. Activate this if you only want a warning instead.
Inbound Variable
Network Path The path of the network location you want to map.
Outbound Variables
The Action Step Map Network Drive possesses no outbound variables.