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Mail Session

The Mail Session Action Step is, similar to the Excel Session, an inclusive element for all mail operations.

The mail operations consist of reading mail (Read Mail), sending mail (Send Mail), and changing e-mails (Set Mail), for example, setting the status of a mail to unread or moving it to a different folder.

With the Mail Session Action Step, you can establish a connection to a mail server.


Incoming Mail Operation Settings

Encryption used (Encryption) Displays which encryption protocol is used, SSL/TLS or STARTTLS.

Operation mode Here you see which area is activated in the mail session. You can choose between three different modes in the wizard.

Protocol used (Mail Protocol) Displays which communication protocol is used, IMAP, Exchange or POP3.

Server address (String) Here, you see the server address that is entered in the wizard.

Server Port (Integer, Default: 143) Here, you see the selected port.

Outgoing Mail Operation Setting

Send Mails (String) If you select this checkbox, the SMTP Mail Session is established.

Send test mail to (String) E-mail address to which the test mail is to be sent.

SMTP Server address (String) Here, you see the URL of the selected SMTP mail server.

SMTP Server Port (Integer) Displays the selected port.

Use Different Credentials* (Boolean) If the checkmark is set here, you can set different credentials to those specified under Incoming Mail - User account for outgoing mail.

Inbound Variables

Incoming Mail

Server address

Server port (Integer) Displays the selected port.

User account Login data that you require to log in to the server.

Outgoing Mail

SMTP Server address (String) Here, you see the URL of the selected SMTP mail server.

SMTP User account Login data that you require to log in to the SMTP server.

Use Different Credentials* (Boolean) If the checkmark is set here, you can set different credentials to those specified under Incoming Mail - User account for outgoing mail.

Outbound Variables

The Mail Session Action Step has no outbound variables.


The wizard is split into following sections: Operation Mode, Incoming Mail and Outgoing Mail.

In the Operation mode you determine what exactly should happen in the Mail Session and which area is activated in the Mail Session. The following modes are available:

  • Read and send mails Here you can configure the Incoming and Outgoing Mail areas. This means, you can read and send mails.

  • Read mails from inbox Only the Incoming Mail section can be edited here. This means that you can only read mails.

  • Send mails via SMTP Only the Outgoing Mail section can be edited here. In this case, mails are sent only.

If you have selected the Send mails via SMTP mode, no Read mail Action Step can be used in the Mail Session. This is also true if you have selected the Read mails from inbox mode. In this case, no Send Mail Action Step can be used.

In the Incoming Mail area, you can make all the settings necessary to import e-mails from an e-mail server. Here, you can also find the Test Connection Button. You can use this to test whether the connection to the mail server can be established.

The Outgoing Mail area opens if you select the checkbox Send mails. If you wish to send e-mails, enter the SMTP mail server settings here. If the login data differs from the Incoming Mails, select the option Use different credentials or Use no authentication. You can then enter different login data. With Use no authentication you only need a user name.

Using the Send test mail button, you can check the connection to the SMTP server and send a test mail. Enter the e-mail address under Send test mail to.