The Stopwatch is basically a combined Start/Stop Timer with a clear graphical representation. It also enables you to use additional timer modes in combination with the Loop item.
Timer mode Decide how the measured time will be computed when the Stopwatch is within a Loop. See below for details.
Inbound Variables
Suffix can be used if the Stopwatch is within the Control Block's File Controlled Loop. A suffix is then added to the name of the Stopwatch during every loop. Each suffix is a column entry in the file that was imported in the File Controlled Loop.
Outbound Variables
The Action Step Stopwatch has no outbound variables.
The Stopwatch wizard is similar to the Transaction wizard. It suggests the name of the surrounding Transaction to be Stopwatch by default. Just edit the name to change it if required.
Timer Modes (Using the Stopwatch within a Loop)
Use the Timer mode setting for the Stopwatch to determine how the measurement value is calculated:
Last The last measured time is saved
Average The Workflow calculates an average value of all measured times and saves it
Min The fastest measured time is saved
Max The slowest measured time is saved